Diferencia entre revisiones de «Banda de Denth»

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A su llegada a Hallandren, la banda confraternizó con Vivenna, haciendo un trabajo concienzudo para manipularla y que creyera que, debido a la muerte de Lemex, ahora trabajaban para ella.{{book ref|wb|10}} Mientras Vivenna creía que la banda le estaba echando una mano para ayudar a su gente, en realidad la estaban usando como un símbolo para enardecer a la población local idriana en contra del gobierno de Hallandren y mostrar a los hallandrenses que merecía la pena ir a la guerra contra los idrianos. En primer lugar, debatieron y y utilizaron tácticas como interrumpir el suministro de comida a la ciudad e incitar a las revueltas en las plantaciones de tintes. También se reunieron con comerciantes, jefes del hampa y políticos, usando los [[Mechones Reales]] de Vivenna como prueba de su identidad.{{book ref|wb|22}}
Denth sabía que debía hacer malabares para conseguir manipular a Vivenna para que hiciera lo que él quería y, a la vez, hacerla sentir como si ella estuviera al mando. Por eso, le permitió acompañarlos cuando robaron una tienda de especias de un mercader, incendiaron un edificio y atacaron el carruaje de un sacerdote como distracción para un robo.{{book ref|wb|25}} También aceptó el plan de Vivenna de reunirse con algunos falsificadores. Los falsificadores aceptaron falsificar documentos que demostraran que algunos sacerdotes concretos estaban extorsionando a Idris, aunque Denth, por su parte, pretendía evitar que los documentos se usaran.{{book ref|wb|28}}{{wob ref|6960}} TheAl nextdía daysiguiente, thela crewbanda discovereddescubrió thatque Vasher hadhabía killedasesinado a ganguna ofbanda thievesde theyladrones hadcon previouslyla workedque withhabían intrabajado theen sameel gardenmismo asjardín thedonde meetingse withhabía thedesarrollado forgersla (thoughreunión thiscon waslos actuallyfalsificadores just(aunque, aen realidad, fuese una coincidencecoincidencia).{{wob ref|6963}}{{book ref|wb|29}} Después, Denth nextaceptó agreedacompañar to supporta Vivenna onen su visita a triplas into"tierras thealtas", Idrianun quartersuburbio ofdel barrio idriano de T'Telir, topara somereunirse slumscon calledalgunas thepersonas. Highlands,Vivenna totrató meetprimero withde somehablar ofcon herla people.gente Shedirectamente, firstpero triedno toestaban speakinteresados toen thesus peoplepromesas; directlydespués, butse theyreunió werecon uninterestedlos inseñores herde promises;los shesuburbios, metpero withse theindignó slumlords,cuando se butdio wascuenta disgustedde whenque sheestaban realizedmás theymotivados werepor motivatedla bycodicia greedque insteadpor ofel patriotismpatriotismo. ThisEsta ventureaventura endedterminó whencuando thela cityguardia watchde raidedla theciudad meetingcomenzó anduna redada en la zona y Clod savedla hersalvó fromde thelos Lifelesssoldados soldierssinvida.{{book ref|wb|31}} ThatEsa nightnoche, aftertras theel crew'sregreso de la returnbanda toal theirescondrijo safehouseseguro, [[Vasher]] kidnappedraptó a Vivenna becauseporque hepensaba thoughtque shese washabía confederatealiado withcon Denth.{{book ref|wb|2933}}
Vivenna escaped from Vasher quickly, but upon her return to the safehouse she discovered the bodies of [[Parlin]], of all of Tonk Fah's recent pets, and of a number of Idrian soldiers her father had sent after her. Denth and Tonk Fah confronted her, but she used Clod's security phrase and ordered him to attack Denth, successfully distracting the crew long enough to escape to the streets.{{book ref|wb|35}} Denth set a bounty on Vivenna's head, but she survived for a couple of weeks wandering the streets as a [[Drab]] until a group of thugs finally caught up with her. As they were taking her to Denth, Vasher intervened by allowing [[Nightblood]] to tempt the men into drawing him.{{book ref|wb|41}} Vasher initially took in Vivenna purely to keep her out of Denth's hands, but once each was convinced that the other sincerely wanted to avoid war they ended up working together to counter what the crew had been doing.{{book ref|wb|43}} While discussing possible ways to get ahead of Denth, Vasher and Vivenna realized that the robbery of the salt peddler was only a cover for the crew’s true motive: kidnapping the daughter of [[Nanrovah]], high priest of [[Stillmark]], to blackmail him into changing his vote at court to one for war. They rescued the girl, [[Misel]], and returned her to her father, convincing him to argue against war once more.{{book ref|wb|49}}
=== DisbandmentDisolución ===
|AndY you weresiempre alwayshas to besido '''mymi''' paymentpaga, Vasher.
|Denth{{book ref|wb|51}}
After Denth's death at Vasher’s hands, the crew split up. Jewels left to take the Lifeless Arsteel to his brother [[Yesteel]], master of Lifeless [[Awakening#Awakening Commands|Commands]], in the hope that he could find a way to restore Arsteel's memories and personality. Tonk Fah, free from the direction and control that Denth provided for his murderous urges, went off to begin killing wantonly.{{wob ref|7471}}
== AbilitiesHabilidades ==
Denth, the crew's leader, is a [[Returned]]; as such, he is highly knowledgeable about and skilled at [[Awakening]].{{wob ref|6808}} He is also an outstanding swordsman and practiced manipulator.{{wob ref|7463}} Clod, the crew's Lifeless, retains much of his own excellent swordsmanship from his past life and is probably the most skilled Lifeless existing.{{wob ref|6806}} Jewels, the crew's only woman, is a Drab; this means that those with enough Breaths to enhance their life sense still cannot sense her by any means.{{book ref|wb|22}} Tonk Fah is a sociopath who readily does the crew's messy work. He is a practiced and unfeeling murderer and torturer whose skills in that area are occasionally valuable to the crew.{{wob ref|6809}}
== PoliticsPolítica ==
|Es la forma de pensar de los mercenarios. Nos pagan para que hagamos cosas, pero no somos nosotros las que las hacemos. Eres tú quien las hace. Solo somos tus herramientas.
|Mind-set of a mercenary. We’re paid to do things—but we’re not the ones doing them. It’s you who do these things. We’re just your tools.
|Denth toa Vivenna{{book ref|wb|25}}