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TheEl CognitiveReino RealCognitivo overlaysrecubre theal PhysicalReino RealmFísico,{{book ref|sa2|1}} however,aunque ascomo ites ismás more compact,compacto{{book ref|sa4|i|2}} locationslos dolugares notno mapse onecorresponden touno onea betweenuno theen twolos realmsdos reinos.{{wob ref|13234}} AsComo la forma del reino se basa en la thepercepción realmque formstiene basedla ongente people’ssobre perceptionlos ofobjetos objectsy andel spaceespacio, thela verticaldimensión dimensionvertical,{{book ref|sa4|22}} spaceel espacio betweenentre planetsplanetas,{{wob ref|5671}}{{wob ref|1392}} andy unknownlos locationslugares indesconocidos theen Physicalel RealmReino Físico,{{wob ref|4132}}{{wob ref|5671}} areestán particularlymás compressedcomprimidos. AreasÁreas, suchcomo asel thecentro middledel ofocéano oceanso orel inespacio betweenentre planetsplanetas, wherelugares thoughten doeslos notque existno areexiste shrunkel inpensamiento, se encogen en Shadesmar topara bereducir littleal tomínimo noo distancea atla all,nada thoughla thedistancia, Cognitiveaunque Realmel doesReino stillCognitivo existsigue inexistiendo theseen spacesese espacio.{{wob ref|5480}} CognitiveLa Realmgeografía geographydel doesReino notCognitivo needno totiene bepor basedqué offestar naturallybasada occurringexclusivamente Physicalen Realmla geologygeología del Reino Físico, andya canque alsotambién formse aspuede aformar reflectioncomo ofreflejo man-madede landcorrientes orde wateragua sourceso terrenos creados artificialmente.{{wob ref|11870}}
The sky in the Cognitive Realm is pitch black{{book ref|sa2|7}} with no moon or stars.{{book ref|sa3|95}}{{book ref|sa4|22}} On the horizon sits a small, frail,{{book ref|sa4|22}} white sun,{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa2|1}} that provides enough light to illuminate the lands but not the sky, despite appearing almost too weak to achieve even this.{{book ref|sa4|22}} The sun does not move or change regardless of time of day or distance traveled - because of this, the Cognitive Realm does not have any natural day and night cycle.{{book ref|sa3|91}}{{book ref|sa3|95}}{{book ref|Sa4|24}} On some worlds, clouds create certain formations which they strictly hold to, however this is not the case for all worlds.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{msh ref|1|1}} It has a natural atmosphere with a breathable atmosphere due to air permeating into the Cognitive from the Physical Realm.{{wob ref|9512}}