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|image=Sunreach US Cover Art.jpg
|aliases=Callsign: FM
|profession={{cat tag|PilotosDDF de la FDD|Pilotopilots}}
{{image|FM by Hinumay.png|side=left|width=250px}}
=== Flight School ===
FM comes from one of the [[deep caverns|lower caves]] and a highly-merited family.{{book ref|sky1|8}} After being accepted into [[flight school]], FM was placed in [[Skyward Flight]] under the tutelage of [[Cobb]]. She was roomed with the other female members of her flight, with the exception of [[Spensa]], who was denied accommodation.{{book ref|sky1|11}}
Afterward, FM went to go find Rig and found him in the platform control room trying to find the FTL communicator. He subtly tried to get her to leave, and FM asked him what he had against her. Rig admitted that he liked FM, and they awkwardly changed the subject. They found the FTL communicator, a metal box like the one in M-Bot’s ship, and they realized that if they put a taynix in it, they could use it for hyperspeed communication.{{book ref|sf1|7}}
They deducededuced through process of elimination that the purple and orange slugs were the ones that can be used as FTL communicators. FM theorized that maybe showing the slugs an image of a delver cytonically might trigger their abilities. Jorgen sent [[Gill]] an image of the delvers, and Gill teleported away. Jorgen tried putting Gill in the special metal box that Rig crafted which was similar to the one that was part of [[M-Bot]]’s machinery. He tried scaring Gill again while she was in the box, but nothing happened. They tried putting Happy in instead, and Happy teleported, this time taking Jorgen with him, with Jorgen appearing squeezed into a cubby, to the great amusement of FM and the others. They tried a similar experiment with FM and Jorgen in a fighter, with moderate success. Jorgen’s teleporting caught the attention of the Superiority however, and they moved their battleships into position to bombard the planet and prevent the Defiant peoples using the slugs to escape.{{book ref|sf1|8}}
FM and Rig flew together in a Dulo and listened to music as they flew towards the battle. They had a taynix in the fighter with them, and Jorgen successfully teleported them close to the battleship’s main cannon. The cannon and its controls were shielded however, and FM was soon swarmed by Krell. She was forced to retreat, and Jorgen accidentally teleported her far back from the battle. The cannon began to fire, and Cobb called a full retreat, while at the same time the Engineering Corps managed to get the planetary shield up, blocking battleship’s shots. FM hid until the rest of Skyward Flight came and met up with her outside the shield. After giving the taynix time to settle down, they all touched wings and Jorgen teleported them inside the shield.{{book ref|sf1|11}}
After making it back to Platform Prime, Rig and FM talked. Rig informed her that they were going to try using Fine to power the FTL communication device. As they walked, Rig and FM discussed what they feared, and FM admitted that she was afraid of dying in battle and ceasing to exist. They discussed their days in flight school and the taynix, before the topic turned to their experiments. Rig proposed that they try a different kind of experiment, and he and FM kissed briefly.{{book ref|sf1|13}}
{{image|Rig and FM by Jill Andersen.png|side=left|height=250px}}
FM and Rig devised a new experiment, trying to train the slugs to teleport to a specific point, prompted by caviar. She called the target box "home", trying to get them to teleport there on command. She had moderate success, with some slugs being more motivated than others. They went to the command center, where Cobb had succeeded in creating a call to [[Cuna]] using a purple taynix as an FTL communicator. Cuna told them that they were trapped on the research station of [[Sunreach (station)|Sunreach]] and under attack by about twenty Krell fighters. They promised their aid if the humans were able to come and rescue them. After the communication ended, Cobb went against Jeshua’s will and ordered Skyward Flight to depart immediately.{{book ref|sf1|14}}
FM hurried to her fighter, and Jorgen teleported all of Skyward FLight to Sunreach using the coordinates Cuna gave to him. They arrived at Sunreach, and were greeted by the sight of an enormous space monster, which Cuna identified as a [[mammoth starpod]]. A swarm of Krell ships flew out to meet them in combat, and the fighting began. During the battle, Jorgen's ship was destroyed, leaving FM to think he was dead.{{book ref|sf1|15}} Gill appeared in FM’s fighter, then teleported her into Sunreach where she was reunited with Jorgen, who had teleported out of his fighter just in time. When Jorgen proposed that those in the station retreat and he would come back for Skyward Flight later, FM refused and told Jorgen to send the taynix images of Skyward Flight’s members. The slugs teleported away and returned with their flight members, before they all hyperjumped back to Starsight.{{book ref|sf1|16}} After they arrived FM saw that a new shipment of caviar had arrived, the slugs’ favorite food. She cracked open several jars for the slugs, allowing them to eat their fill.{{book ref|sf1|epilgoue}}
=== Helping Alanik ===
When Alanik hyperjumped to Detritus to speak with Jorgen, she allowed FM to join them at Jorgen’s request. FM and Jorgen talk with Alanik, who figure out much about the taynix. Alanik wanted to form an alliance with the humans, and FM stayed with Alanik and talked to her as Jorgen went to talk to Command. Afterward they met with several of Detritus’ leaders, including Cobb and Jeshua. Jeshua decided to consult the National Assembly, and Alanik was given temporary quarters. A short time later, FM and Jorgen visited Alanik in her room, bringing food with them. Other members of Skyward Flight arrived, and FM and the others discussed free will and the Superiority with Alanik. Cobb came and told them that Alanik’s request had been denied, but heavily hinted that he wanted them to go anyway.
|Are you coming with us? Because if not, you should get back to Engineering. You don’t want to be associated with what we’re about to do.
|FM to Rig{{book ref|sf2|7}}
Skyward Flight and Alanik went to their ships, FM giving Alanik a ship and briefly explaining the controls to her. Jeshua radioed them that they would be considered deserters if they left, but Skyward Flight left anyway, Alanik hyperjumping them to ReDawn.{{book ref|sf2|7}} Jorgen ordered FM and a few others to fend off enemy pilots, while him, Alanik, and the rest went to capture the Unity shuttle that held Alanik’s allies captive. When the Unity pilots were freed, Alanik takes them to their ships to join the fight, but more Unity ships arrived. FM and the others fought, but were outnumbered. At Alanik’s suggestion, they retreated to the weaponized, automatic flying platform, [[Wandering Leaf]]. FM and the others in the flight used their taynix to hyperjump underneath the platform’s guns, bringing Independence pilots with them.{{book ref|sf3|10}}
Skyward Flight and the Independence pilots met inside the platform, exchanging introductions. FM and the others listened to a Unity broadcast, which features [[Rinakin]], Alanik’s captured friend, allying himself with Unity.{{book ref|sf3|11}} After further discussion of what to do, FM wondered if the captured shuttle, which had belonged to the Superiority, had a cytonic inhibitor onboard. They checked, and FM found a blue and green inhibitor taynix inside.{{book ref|sf3|12}} They explored the platform’s control room, but didn’t know how to work it. They decided they needed Rig’s expertise, so FM and Alanik hyperjumped to Detritus to retrieve him. They explained the situation, and asked him to come with them. Rig agreed, and warned them that Detritus’ leaders had started meeting with the Superiority, and might agree to the Superioirty’s demand to hand over their taynix, as well as their cytonics for “training”.{{book ref|sf2|14}}
They decided to bring many of the taynix with them back to Wandering Leaf, in order to save them from the Superioirty. FM agreed with the plan, and Alanik summoned them to her with her abilities.{{book ref|sf2|15}}
|The bigger plan may be to give the taynix to the Superiority! I’m not going to let them do that. And if you are, then you are not my flightleader.
|FM arguing with Jorgen{{book ref|sf2|15}}
They escaped back to Wandering Leaf with the taynix, but Jorgen was furious that FM had taken the taynix. Jorgen said that she had robbed DDF pilots of valuable assets, but FM said that it was the right thing to do, defending her actions. They then tested the taynix functions of the platform, FM helping figure out how to use the taynix in the various systems.{{book ref|sf2|15}}
After planning how to rescue Rinakin, they hyperjump Wandering Leaf to a point outside Tower, one of the biggest UrDail cities. With the enemy distracted, Alanik and Arturo went to rescue Rinakin while FM and Skyward Flight defended against the oncoming Independence pilots. FM and the others delayed the Independence pilots, trying to disrupt the UrDail cytonics who had formed a cytonic inhibitor around Wandering Leaf. A Superiority battleship arrived, armed with a planetary weapon that could destroy Tower. After Skyward Flight shot down a few enemy cytonics, Rig was able to hyperjump the platform right underneath the battleship, allowing the autoturrets to destroy it. A varvax cytonic hyperjumped onto Wandering Leaf, intending to seize the control room, and FM and several others converged on Wandering Leaf to try and help. Rig used Boomslug to defend himself however, Boomslug’s mindblades slicing through the cytonic’s armor and making it retreat. FM was relieved, running out of her ship to hug Rig.{{book ref|sf2|11}}
With the Superiority battleship destroyed and with several of their cytonics defeated, the Unity pilots retreated. Cobb called them, and Jorgen gave him an update. When Cobb told them to return to Detritus with some of the UrDail officials, FM and Jorgen thought Cobb was acting suspicious. They decided that he was likely an imposter, having replaced Cobb at one of the peace meetings. They contacted Jeshua to tell her the news, but she didn’t believe them. Alanik contacted Gran-Gran, who was being handed over to the Superiority aboard a Superiority ship. FM and the others came up with a plan, deciding to hyperjump Wandering Leaf to Detritus, and board the Superioirty ship where Gran-Gran, the real Cobb, Jorgen’s parents, and many of the National Assembly leaders were.{{book ref|sf2|22}}
=== Back to Detritus ===
They hyperjumped to Detritus and Alanik and Jorgen went aboard the ship, FM staying behind on the platform with the rest of the flight in case they were needed to fly into combat.{{book ref|sf2|22}} When Alanik and Jorgen failed, escaping back to Wandering Leaf as the ship exploded, FM tried to comfort Jorgen. Jorgen, angry and grieving after the loss of his parents, said that they were going down to Platform Prime, despite FM trying to get him to stop and think for a minute.{{book ref|sf2|epilogue}}
As Jorgen took Skyward Flight down to Platform Prime and stormed into Vice Admiral Stoff’s office, FM tried to reason with him and get him to stop and calm down, but had no success.{{book ref|sf3|1}} FM was involved in the planning to find and retrieve Cobb and Gran-Gran, and then went with Skyward Flight to the [[kitsen]] planet of [[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]]{{book ref|sf3|5}}
=== Meeting with the Kitsen ===
|Other kitsen! I am a diplomatic representative from our people. We’re here to collect our lost friends and discuss an alliance. We’re not… invading anything, and we don’t mean to… sully your sands.
|FM to the kitsen upon meeting [[Goro]]{{book ref|sf3|5}}
As Skyward Flight initially met with the kitsen outside the city of [[Dreamspring]], first meeting with [[Kauri]] and later with Goro, Jorgen put FM into the role of diplomat, and FM told the kitsen that the humans had no hostile intentions towards the kitsen.{{book ref|sf3|5}}
|Stay here and maybe do some diplomacy.
|Jorgen to FM before leaving to see Cobb and Gran-Gran{{book ref|sf3|6}}
As Jorgen, Alanik, and Kauri went to visit Cobb and Gran-Gran at the medical tent, FM and the other members of Skyward Flight stayed behind with the kitsen [[Hana]], along with several other kitsen who were preparing a feast for the humans. FM insisted on having the flight help prepare the food, and so they did.{{book ref|sf3|7}} FM went to the kitsen senate meeting with the others, listening in as the kitsen discussed the humans’ proposal of an alliance. After Jorgen disrupted the meeting by spontaneously throwing out mindblades into the crowd, giving a speech, and leaving, FM followed after him to the beach. She sat down with him and forced him to talk about his parent’s death. FM convinced Jorgen that their deaths weren’t his fault, easing the stress on his mind somewhat.{{book ref|sf3|9}} While Jorgen practiced his mindblades and worked on the mystery of Gran Gran’s and Cobb’s coma, FM and many other members of Skyward Flight camped on the beach.{{book ref|sf3|11}}
=== The Battle for Evershore ===
When a Superiority carrier ship arrived and began an attack on the city of Dreamspring, FM and the others in the flight got into their fighters to join the fray. At Jorgen’s order, FM and the others protected the city itself, wanting to minimize civilian casualties and damage. As the battle progressed and the enemy gained reinforcements, FM and Jorgen both landed on the beach, then used Gill to hyperjump to Detritus.{{book ref|sf3|12}}
|Forget for a minute about what Cobb ordered you to do. What do you think is the right thing to do?
|FM to Jorgen about what to do at Evershore{{book ref|sf3|13}}
They met up with Rig, then went to Stoff’s quarters, waking him and explaining the situation. They got permission to bring Wandering Leaf to help, along with several DDF flights. Jorgen expressed doubt about his leadership and decision-making skills, but FM instilled him with more confidence, telling him to do what he thought was right.{{book ref|sf3|13}} FM said a quick goodbye to Rig before returning to Evershore with Jorgen, taking Wandering Leaf and several DDF flights with them.{{book ref|sf3|14}}
|But… we can see the closest island, off to the downward side. The ships are firing on the island. Shouldn’t we… help them?
|FM showing concern for the other kitsen cities{{book ref|sf3|19}}
As more Superiority ships arrived, FM continued to defend Dreamspring, though when the Superiority arrived with a lifebuster, Jorgen ordered her and Sentry to oversee the evacuation of the kitsen from the city.{{book ref|sf3|18}} FM took the kitsen senators to safety, using the medical transport they had brought for Cobb and Gran-Gran.{{book ref|sf3|19}}
=== Aftermath ===
When the Superiority lost the battle, largely due to Jorgen and Rig hyperjumping the entire planet of Detritus to a point outside Evershore, FM returned to the outskirts of Dreamspring, which had suffered from flooding. FM and Jorgen met with Stoff and Cobb, the latter of whom Jorgen had brought back to consciousness. Jorgen wasn’t going to say anything, but FM told Cobb the truth about Stoff, how he shoved all the responsibility onto Jorgen so that he wouldn’t get blamed if things went wrong. After reprimanding Stoff, Cobb had FM leave so him and Jorgen could talk alone.{{book ref|sf3|21}}
|I hate the idea of the flight going out without me. I hate that I won’t be there to protect them.
|FM to Jorgen about leaving active combat duty{{book ref|sf3|epilogue}}
Jorgen talked to FM afterward, telling her of his promotion to Vice Admiral. She was happy for him, and Jorgen asked her if she would step down from active combat duty to be in charge of their diplomatic program. FM considered it and agreed, though she was reluctant to leave behind their flight and let them fly into battle without her.{{book ref|sf3|epilogue}}
== Relationships ==
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[[category: viewpoint characters]]
[[Categoría:Personajes con puntos de vista]]