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|image=TES - Mood Painting of the Imperial Wing by Johanna Rupprecht.jpg
|usage={{cat tag|Palaciospalaces|PalacioPalace}}
|city=Trono Imperial Seat
|nation=Rose Empire
|books=[[The Emperor's Soul]]
The '''Rose Palace''' is the Imperial Palace of the [[Rose Empire]] on [[Sel]]. It is located in the [[Imperial Seat]]. It is the residence of the ruling emperor and houses the Rose Throne.{{tes ref|76}}
The '''Rose Palace''' is the Imperial Palace of the [[Rose Empire]] on [[Sel]] and location of the Rose Throne.{{tes ref|76}} It was a vast establishment composed of many different wings.{{tes ref|3}} As each faction took control of the palace, they would choose which wings to utilize and maintain, leaving portions of the complex largely ignored at any given time. A new faction would often change the style and decorations completely to fit their desires and aesthetic. During the reign of [[Ashravan|Emperor Ashravan]], the Heritage Faction made extensive use of [[Forgery|Rememberers]] to recreate relics of the past.{{tes ref|3}} The central wings of the palace are made of quarried stone, and many rooms have stained glass windows installed.{{tes ref|58}} The palace is considered to be a beautiful structure, despite the many rooms left unused and the general disrepair of many sections.{{tes ref|59}}{{tes ref|76}}
== Architecture ==
Life in the Palace is strictly regimented.{{tes ref|59}} Post arrives early every morning, and servants go about their tasks like clockwork.{{tes ref|76}} The Strikers who serve as Palace guards are all required to be literate, as were any civil servants of the second reed or higher.{{tes ref|97}} The palace was often host to many notable personages, such as [[Atsuko|Atsuko of JinDo]].{{tes ref|76}}
The palace is a vast establishment composed of many different wings.{{tes ref|3}}{{tes ref|98}} The central wings of the palace, including the Imperial Wing, are made of quarried stone, and many rooms have stained glass windows installed.{{tes ref|30}}{{tes ref|58}} To connect the wings, there are many long hallways that are often decorated with portraits and pottery.{{tes ref|98}} The [[Rose_Empire#Factions|faction]] in control of the government decides which wings to utilize and maintain, often changing the style and decorations completely to fit their desired aesthetic. Because of this tradition and the size of the complex, some portions of the palace are largely ignored at any given time and used primarily for storage.{{tes ref|3}} The palace is considered to be a beautiful structure, despite the general disrepair of some sections.{{tes ref|59}}{{tes ref|76}}
=== Features ===
The palace includes an Imperial Gallery, whichthat boasts a vast collection of artwork and relics from across the Rose Empire, including the [[Moon Scepter]].{{tes ref|2}}{{tes ref|3}} The [[arbiter]]s have a well-equippedshared dungeonstudy{{tes thatref|2}} includesand cellsat speciallyleast designedsome toarbiters holdand [[Forger]]sother staff members also have personal offices or studies.{{tes ref|101}}{{tes ref|epilogue}} The palace also has a well-equipped dungeon,{{tes ref|prologue}} at least one kitchenskitchen complex,{{tes ref|12}} a guardhouse for security forces,{{tes ref|30}}, gated walls,{{tes ref|30}}stables, numerousand gates,an extensive servants complex.{{tes ref|98}}, stables,It presumably has at least one dining hall that serves alcohol.{{tes ref|9842}}, officesThe fordungeon includes a varietycell ofspecially arbitersdesigned andto functionarieshold [[Forger]]s,{{tes ref|101}}with forty-four types of rock in the walls and ana extensive[[ralkalest]] servantslining complexintended to make escape via Forgery impossible.{{tes ref|982}}
The palace is the residence of the emperor and his family, along with the five arbiters of the ruling faction. The palace's many servants have a dedicated section of the palace, near the stables.{{tes ref|98}} They wear buttoned uniforms with embroidered insignia on the left breast to represent their particular function in the palace.{{tes ref|98}}{{tes ref|epilogue}} The emperor also employs an Imperial Fool.{{tes ref|2}}
The palace guards are led by [[Striker]]s due to their high esteem in the eyes of the arbiters, along with their natural athleticism.{{tes ref|2}} Strikers are required to be literate to work in the palace.{{tes ref|97}} The guards, who are both male and female,{{tes ref|97}} have military-style ranks, and some Strikers oversee lower-ranked "common" guards.{{tes ref|98}} Weapons used by the guards include swords and daggers.{{tes ref|98}}
== History ==
Life in the Palacepalace iswas strictly regimented.{{tes ref|59}} PostThe post arrivesarrived early every morning, and servants gowent about their tasks like clockwork.{{tes ref|76}} The Strikerspalace whohosted servemany asnotable Palacepersonages, guards are all required to be literate,such as were any civil servants[[Atsuko|Atsuko of the second reed or higher.JinDo]]{{tes ref|9776}} Theand palacean wasambassador often host to many notable personages, such asfrom [[Atsuko|Atsuko of JinDoFjorden]].{{tes ref|7698}}
During the reign of [[Ashravan|Emperor Ashravan]], the [[Heritage Faction]] made extensive use of [[Forgery#Remembering|Rememberers]] to turn the Imperial Wing into an imitation of a much older building; Ashravan took particular interest in the beauty of the palace.{{tes ref|59}} The faction recreated ornate [[Lamio]] stonework and impressive Lamio relics; even the emperor's headboard was Forged to resemble a Lamio style known only from historical texts. A study used by the arbiters was transformed into an imitation of a fifth century hunting lodge.{{tes ref|2}}
The palace was the site of an attack attributed to the [[Glory Faction]] that killed [[Kurshina]] and incapacitated Ashravan.{{tes ref|2}} Around the same time, [[Wan ShaiLu]] broke into the palace with the assistance of the Imperial Fool so she could test her skill by Forging a copy of the [[Moon Scepter]] in the Imperial Gallery.{{tes ref|42}} She also broke into [[Frava]]'s study and replaced the priceless painting ''[[Lily of the Spring Pond]]'' with a copy so she could destroy the original at the behest of its artist, [[Han ShuXen]].{{tes ref|76}} Shai was captured when the Fool betrayed her and stole the original Moon Scepter; she was scheduled to be executed until the arbiters cut a deal with her to reForge the emperor's broken soul.{{tes ref|2}} Shai was given one hundred days to complete the task; she was isolated in a small room in an abandoned part of the palace that was constantly guarded and [[Bloodsealing|Bloodsealed]].{{tes ref|17}} [[Gaotona]] allowed Shai to Forge different parts of her quarters until they were the nicest in the palace.{{tes ref|76}} Shai eventually completed her task, but she had been plotting her escape all along and was able to get out of the palace.{{tes ref|98}}
*The palace was temporarily the residence of [[Hoid]] in his guise as the Imperial Fool. He wanted the Moon Scepter for unrevealed reasons that have implications beyond [[Sel]].{{wob ref|12146}}
== Notes ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 20:25, 4 March 2022 (UTC)}}
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