Diferencia entre revisiones de «Mulla'dil»

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[[en: Mulla'dil]]
|books=[[TheEl Emperor'salma Souldel emperador]]
'''Mulla'dil''' is the name of both a mountainous region of the [[Rose Empire]] on [[Sel]] and its inhabitants.{{tes ref|42}} After joining the Empire, the Mulla'dil people are commonly called '''[[:Category: Strikers|Strikers]]'''.{{tes ref|2}}
The nation was subsumed into the Empire many years previous to [[Ashravan|Emperor Ashravan]]'s reign, and the use of its name was rare in contemporary usage.{{tes ref|2}} The people of Mulla'dil were well regarded by the [[Grand]]s, although they renamed them Strikers after the Empire annexed their territory. It was not uncommon for Strikers to be Elevated.{{tes ref|2}} Strikers were often employed as guards or soldiers by the Empire, although some of them would have preferred a different profession.{{tes ref|97}}{{tes ref|98}} Strikers employed at the [[Rose Palace]] were required to be literate.{{tes ref|97}}
==PhysicalRasgos Traitsfísicos==
Mulla'dil people are generally tall and pale-skinned, with dark, curly hair.{{tes ref|2}} They are usually lean and athletic, and some individuals can be described as "brawny".{{tes ref|2}}{{tes ref|97}}
Although Mulla'dil was folded into the Empire, its people still maintain a cultural identity, including the ongoing use of the Mulla'dil language.{{tes ref|76}} The former nation bordered the swamps of [[Dzhamar]] and there was a deep-seated hatred between the Strikers and their neighbors.{{tes ref|42}} There is still significant tension caused by the Dzhamarian practice of [[Bloodsealing]], which the Strikers consider to be revolting and unnatural.{{tes ref|42}} The antagonism between the two nations may exceed their loyalty to the Empire.{{tes ref|42}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 21:03, 23 September 2019 (UTC)}}
{{The Emperor's Soul}}
[[Categoría: Arietes| ]]