Diferencia entre revisiones de «Rodge McCaffrey»

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(ReDawn history)
After Skyward Flight returned with Cuna and their staff, Rig had a joyful reunion with FM. They talked a bit, then kissed.{{book ref|sf1|epilogue}}
=== Alanik’s Return ===
|Are you coming with us? Becuase if not, you should get back to Engineering. you don’t want to be associated with what we’re about to do.
|FM to Rig before leaving{{book ref|sf2|7}}
When Alanik came to Detritus and requested aid, Rig and other members of Skyward Flgiht came to chat with her while she awaited a decision. They chatted amiably, and Cobb came in and told them that Alanik’s request had been officially denied. He said his hands were tied, but heavily hinted that he wanted Skyward Flight to leave anyway. Rig decided not to leave with Skyward Flight, reluctantly staying behind.{{book ref|sf2|7}}
=== Helping Alanik ===
==== On ReDawn ====
|I’ll help you. But you should know, there’s a lot going on here too. Cobb and Jeshua met with some representatives from the Superiority.
|Rig to FM{{book ref|sf2|14}}
FM and Alanik hyperjumped to Deteritus to recruit Rig, since they needed his help overeating [[Wandering Leaf]] and fixing Alanik’s ship. He agreed to help, and filled them in on the National Assembly’s dealings with the Superiority.{{book ref|sf2|15}} Once on Wandering Leaf, Rig examined the platform’s systems, findings a hyperdrive mechanism, a weapons system, and a shield system.{{book ref|sf2|15}}
|Interesting. Maybe it requires a hyperdrive to move? Get me someting to stand on so I can get a look above the boxes and see how they’re interfaced with the platform.
|Rig analyzing Wandering Leaf’s systems{{book ref|sf2|15}}
He helped Jorgen figure out how to work the platform’s cytonic inhibitor{{book ref|sf2|15}}, and spent the next few days hard at work, not getting much sleep. He repaired Alanik’s ship, activated the platform’s shield, and helped figure out how to use Boomslug in the weapons system.{{book ref|sf2|17}} After the others came up with a plan, he used [[Drape]] to hyperjump the platform outside the tree city of Tower. While Alanik and Arturo went to rescue [[Rinakin]] and Skyward Flight fought off Unity ships, Rig stayed on Wandering Leaf with Jorgen and operated the platform.{{book ref|sf2|18}} When a Superiority battleship arrived to attack Tower, Rig hyperjumped Wandering Leaf up close to it, allowing the automatic turrets and mindblade weapons system to destroy it. A cytonic varvax soldier hyperjumped onto Wandering Leaf to try and seize the command room, and Rig called for Boomslug to help him. Boomslug attacked the varvax, destroying its armor and causing it to flee.{{book ref|sf2|21}} The Unity forces retreated, and the Independence faction and Skyward Flgiht won the battle. Cobb called them, and told them to return to Detritus with some of the UrDail officials. Rig and the others thought Cobb was acting strangely, and determined that the man is actually an imposter posing as Cobb, using holographic technology stolen from M-Bot. They ended the conversation, and Rig hyperjumped Wandering Leaf to a point outside Detritus.{{book ref|sf2|23}}
==== Back to Detritus ====
|The box is rigged to prevent tampering. I don’t know how it works, but I know that much. Alanik, I’m sorry. I can’t fix it. We need to get off this ship immediately.
|Rig to Alanik{{book ref|sf2|23}}
Back outside Detritus, Alanik and Jorgen went aboard a Superiority ship to rescue Gran-Gran, Cobb, Jorgen’s parents, and members of the National Assembly. Alanik discovered a bomb on board, rigged to blow, and fetched Rig from Wandering Leaf. Rig examined the bomb, but didn’t know anything about how to stop it. He used Drape to hyperjump back to Wandering Leaf while Alanik and Jorgen tried to get the others off the ship.{{book ref|sf2|23}} They got Gran-Gran and Cobb off, but the others died in the resulting explosion. Afterward, Rig partially blamed himself for their deaths, but Alanik told him it wasn’t his fault.{{book ref|sf2|epilogue}}
== Relationships ==