Diferencia entre revisiones de «Provisional Replica»

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The PR retains all of their original’s memories up until their last renewal, and has the same personality and general thought process as their original.{{book ref|og|11}} Provisional Replicas are usually edited by the government when they are created, the edits often including tactical thinking, skill with firearms, hand to hand combat, and quick reflexes.{{book ref|og|5}} Their muscle memory can be edited as well, making the feel and use of weapons seem familiar and comfortable to the PR.{{book ref|og|2}} Their eyes might be edited as well, giving them infrared vision so they can see in the dark.{{book ref|Og|6}}
=== Known Provisional Replicas ===
* [[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica]]
* [[Jonathan]]
* [[Skyler]]
== Notes ==