Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jax (Reckoners)»

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(Added Dan’s Death to history section)
(Added info about his work with motivators)
Jax spends 14 hours every day training under [[Zeff]] to become an assassin. His exercises include flinch training (learning how to not flinch in various situations), combat training, strength training, and peaches training (strength training, but while wearing a backpack full of cans of peaches).{{book ref|lux|7}} At night, Jax sneaks out to learn about and work on motivators.{{book ref|lux|8}}
== Work with Motivators ==
Jax loved tinkering with his brother Dan, which sparked his interest in Motivators when he first arrived at the Coop. Zeff required he read all the books on microbiology and chemistry that they had there if he wanted to work with the motivators, which Jax did. Since Zeff didn’t allow him any time to work in the motivator workshop, Jax snuck out of his room every night instead. When Paige arrived at the Coop, she joined Jax in his nightly work. With her help, Jax invented coilers, which allowed him to reverse the effects of any motivator. He used the coiler on [[Boomerang]]’s DNA, and made a watch that could teleport him thirty feet in any direction, then teleport him back to his original spot. He also used the coilers to modify several other motivators, such as sonic snare and mitosis. During the infiltration of Lux, Jax had to jury-rig several motivators, such as boomerang watches. At one point, Jax also mixed the powers of two Epics, [[Glimmer]] and [[Sonic Snare]], to make the shockwave gun. His discoveries were groundbreaking in the world of motivator technology, and [[Dean Knighthawk|Knighthawk]] was impressed by Jax’s knowledge. Both Lifeforce and Perrick were also interested in Jax’s skill and knowledge, and wanted to recruit him to help with their projects.
== Relationships ==