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Undo revision 149214 by (talk) This type of information isn't really related to this section - this is already under the relationship section between Miles and the Vanishers. This exact sentence was already removed last year....
(Undo revision 149214 by (talk) This type of information isn't really related to this section - this is already under the relationship section between Miles and the Vanishers. This exact sentence was already removed last year....)
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Due to the large amount of health available to Miles at all times, he can overcome many of the limits of the average Bloodmaker. Most obviously, normal Bloodmakers are limited in how many wounds or how large a wound they can heal. If their Feruchemical storages are not enough, they have to wait for a wound to heal naturally, or if the wound is severe enough, they simply die. Miles does not have to worry about conserving his Feruchemical storages, because his goldminds are more or less infinite. As a result, Miles is constantly drawing on his goldminds, even when there is no real wound to heal. This impacts him in several ways, both minor and major. Miles has not been sick in years; he never has to deal with sore muscles or headaches or feelings of tiredness.{{book ref|mb4|15}} Even when there is nothing for the gold to heal, Miles can still feel a faint sense of extra energy from the health he is drawing. By drawing even more additional health, Miles can eliminate his need to breathe, as he is constantly healing the damage done to his cells from hypoxia.{{book ref|mb4|17}} It should be noted that this is not the same thing as [[cadmium]] [[Feruchemy]]. Gasper Ferrings have the ability to store breath in a cadmiummind.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} They store oxygen and then withdraw it later so they do not have to breathe. Miles cannot do that. His gold Feruchemy continually heals the damage done to his cells dying of oxygen starvation rather than provides them with oxygen. However, the power of gold is not limitless. It cannot allow Miles to stop his heartbeat{{book ref|mb4|17}} or reverse the process of aging{{book ref|mb4|11}} like the [[Lord Ruler]] managed with his atium Compounding.{{book ref|mb1|epilogue}} Additionally, after suffering the pain of thousands of wounds that should have killed him, Miles has also grown completely invulnerable to pain.{{book ref|mb4|13}} It is little but a distant memory to him.{{book ref|mb4|17}} It also potentially has an impact on Miles' stamina, allowing him to run longer and farther than a normal man, although this is uncertain.{{book ref|mb4|13}}
This constant influx of health allows for Miles to do things that would destroy a lesser man. He can fall from great heights and break his legs, only to have them heal as they break.{{book ref|mb4|15}} As such he has no fear of falling and can therefore engage in fights on places such as the top of a moving train, jumping from car to car without fear.{{book ref|mb4|13}} He can take a shotgun blast to the face without flinching.{{book ref|mb4|11}}, and in fact once did so to prove to the Vanishers how useless it would be to try to kill him. He has no need to seek cover from gunfire and can walk through a firefight like nothing is happening.{{book ref|mb4|18}} It also increases his ability to brawl.{{book ref|mb4|13}} He can punch as hard as he likes without injuring himself and cannot feel the pain of others hitting him.{{book ref|mb4|19}} One of Miles' favorite tricks is to detonate a piece of dynamite in his hand to free him from any ropes or nets or kill those near him.{{book ref|mb4|18}}
The largest downside of Miles' Compounding abilities is the high cost.{{book ref|mb4|13}} A normal Feruchemist needs to only buy metal once. Their metalminds are not consumed by their Feruchemy like they would be in Allomancy, so a single metalmind could, in theory, be used for a person's entire life. However, Miles must burn some of his metalminds to Compound their Feruchemical attribute. In his case, the metal he consumes is [[gold]], so his Compounding is even more expensive than other types of Compounding that make use of more common metals, such as [[iron]] or [[steel]]. Miles must have a steady stream of income to keep up his constant Compounding or he risks having to stop.
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