Diferencia entre revisiones de «Telsin Ladrian»

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After encountering Suit and entering the temple, Telsin betrays Wax and shoots him three times before he can escape through a trap. She also incapacitates [[MeLaan]], injecting her and taking her spikes. She was a member of the Set all along. Known as Lady Sequence, she outranks even Suit.{{book ref|mb6|27}}
After [[Marasi]] finds the Bands of Mourning and turns the tide of the encounter, Telsin attempts to escape on the skimmer. Wayne finds her and shoots her multiple times with a shotgun to avenge Wax's (temporary) death. He figures she has Hemalurgic health anyway, so he doesn't have much compunction about shooting her.{{book ref|mb6|29}} After reclaiming the spikes she was carrying, he lets her go.{{book ref|mb6|31}} Later, Wax finds the skimmer gone, indicating she that she had escaped.{{book ref|mb6|30}}
== Notes ==