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== Geography ==
=== Topography ===
Near Chardees, in the Western Dominance.{{book ref|mb3|5}}
Close to the Conway Canal, primary canal route to the west.
=== Landscape ===
FADREX CITY, ELEND SAID , standing in his customary place near the narrowboat's prow. Ahead, the broad Conway Canal—the primary canal route to the west—continued into the distance, turning to the northwest. To Elend’s left, the ground rose in a broken incline, forming a set of steep rock formations. He could see them rising much higher in the distance.
Closer to the canal, however, a broad city was nestled in the very center of a large group of rock formations. The deep red and orange rocks were the type left behind when wind and rain wore away weaker sections of stone, and many of them reached high, like spires. Others formed jagged, hedge-like barriers—like stacks of enormous blocks that had been fused together, reaching some thirty and forty feet into the air.
Elend could barely see the tips of the city’s buildings over the stone formations. Fadrex had no formal city wall, of course—only Luthadel had been allowed one of those—but the rising rocks around the city formed a set of terrace-like natural fortifications.
Trees, Ham said, standing beside him. Fadrex used to have trees growing on the rocky shelves and plateaus. Ham glanced at him. They’re ready for us. They cut down the trees to provide a better killing field and to keep us from sneaking up close.
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The back was protected by the steep walls of the rising rock formations.{{book ref|mb3|27}}
=== Layout ===
On the northern side of the city—the one closest to the main canal route—the rock terraces and shelves fell down into a natural canyon. Perhaps twenty feet across, it was the only way into the city, and the defenders had cut several troughs into the floor. They were bridged at the moment, of course, but getting through that narrow entryway, with pits in front of the army and archers presumably firing from the rocky shelves above, with a gate at the end ...
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Several skaa slums, a smattering of noble mansions, and even two Luthadel-style keeps.{{book ref|mb3|27}}
landing in a particular square that Cett had suggested. The mansions here were separated from each other by large grounds and cultivated trees; she walked along the street, counting them off. At the fourth mansion, she leaped up and over the gate, then moved up the hill to the house.
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== Culture ==
Not a main cultural center of the Final Empire, mainly a way station to Tremradare further west, that city being known as the 'capital of the West'.{{book ref|mb3|25}}
The grand stone structures sported the typical arrangement of stained-glass windows and soaring, buttressed walls. These were undoubtedly the homes of the most important nobles in the city.
She landed on a rooftop near one of the keeps. Most of the buildings in the city were only a single story or two, which was quite a change from the high tenements of Luthadel. They were spaced out a bit more, and tended to be flat and squat, rather than tall and peaked. That only made the massive keep seem so much larger by comparison. The building was rectangular, with a row of three peaked towers rising from each end. Ornamented white stonework ran around the entire perimeter at the top.
And the walls, of course, were lined with beautiful stained-glass windows, lit from inside.
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== Politics ==
Has a storage cache.
== Other ==
Yomen immediately took control of the plantations and brought food to his people, then he returned the factories to operation, started work in the Fadrex mines again, and gave the nobility a semblance of normalcy.
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== Notes ==
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{!{Mistborn|Era 1}}