Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Esquirla del Amanecer (novella)»

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(lopen icon)
== Chapter 3 ==
[[File:Lopen Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
[[Lopen]] and [[Rua]] fly through [[Urithiru]] to meet with a [[Reshi]] delegation, who had arrived to meeting with [[Dalinar]]. [[Talik]] greets him and is immediately lashed upward to the peak of the atrium where Lopen shows him the view of mountains surrounding Urithiru. The two hold an impromptu summit in the air before returning to the ground to fine [[Ral-na]] (a newly bonded [[Dustbringer]]) and [[Kaladin]], who is irritated at Lopen's lack of decorum. Kaladin assigns [[Lopen]] and [[Huio]] to Rysn's expedition, and they decide to take along [[Cord]], who can see spren.
== Chapter 7 ==
[[File:Lopen Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
[[Lopen]], [[Huio]], and [[Cord]] converse about the expedition so far, and [[Cord]]'s motivation for joining it. [[Huio]] tinkers with one of [[Rushu]]'s spanreeds and remarks on how aluminum appears to affect the spren captive inside the spanreed's ruby. They assume it broken when the paired spanreed only moves laterally, making unintelligible scribbles.
== Chapter 13 ==
[[File:Lopen Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
[[Lopen]], [[Huio]], and [[Rushu]] land on [[Akinah]]. [[Rushu]] speculates that the gemhearts on the beach are a result of an ancestral instinct in the greatshells coming to die in the same place. They and the rest of the disembarked crew begin to examine, sketch, and gather the gemhearts in order to ensure that the crew gets paid. [[Lopen]] notes how odd it is that there is no crem buildup on the beach - wondering if highstorms do not reach this island.
== Chapter 15 ==
[[File:Lopen Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
[[Lopen]] flies using stormlight and confirms for [[Rushu]] that the layout of [[Akinah]] corresponds closely to the ancient map that she had used as a guide for their expedition. Based on that map, they are able to locate what appears to be the [[Oathgate]]. However, they begin to suspect foul play when they discover that the gemheart they took was quartz and not diamond (i.e. not an actual gemheart); and that the Oathgate mechanism they found is in significantly worse repair than the ones in other cities despite being the same age. Instead, [[Rushu]] finds a hidden chamber beneath the "city" which they enter with the aid of a smoke-creating [[soulcaster]] given to Rushu by [[Navani]] for just such a purpose. [[Lopen]] rushes back to the boat after recognizing that they had sprung a trap.
== Chapter 17 ==
[[File:Lopen Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
[[Lopen]] arrives back at the beach in time to rescue [[Huio]] from the jaws of a large hordeling. Lopen teases Huio about being the one to save his cousin, and the two try to fight the hordeling off.
== Epilogue ==
[[File:Lopen Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
As the ship returns to [[Thaylenah]], [[Lopen]] and [[Huio]] discuss the implications of [[Huio]] swearing the Third Ideal with an oath to protect Lopen - the resulting introspection leads to Lopen swearing his own Third Ideal. [[Rua]] becomes a sharddagger.