Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elend Venture»

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(Expanded Appearance and Personality section. Rewrote History section. Added Relationships section.)
m (fixed redlinks)
==== The Elections for King ====
In a later meeting, Elend nominates [[Ferson Penrod]] to be Chancellor to preside over the meetings on the absence of a king, and the motion passes. Nominations for king are held; one of the skaa workers nominates Penrod. After Elend nominated him for Chancellor, Penrod feels obligated to nominate Elend as king, and he does so. Finally, [[Philen TrandeauFrandeu]] nominates Cett, who turns out to be hidden within the crowd.{{book ref|mb2|31}} Cett takes residence in Keep Hasting with a thousand soldiers.{{book ref|mb2|32}}{{book ref|mb2|35}} After a week, Elend meets with Cett in his keep to parlay. Elend says he hasn't found the atium cache.{{book ref|mb2|35}}
In the day of the election for king, Elend announces his conversion to the Church of the Survivor. He hopes to convince some of the skaa workers to vote for him, in order to create a deadlock so that he keeps the position. However, half a dozen of Straff's half skaa misting children attack Elend and Cett, and Vin fights them. After that, the election is held on the same day in Penrod's mansion, because it's the last day in a 30-day deadline to choose the new king. There are 15 votes for Penrod, 2 to Cett, and 7 to Elend; that would create a deadlock that would cause Elend to remain king. However, after being asked, Elend revealed that Assemblymen can change their votes. Then, the two who voted for Cett changed their votes to Penrod, making it 17 votes for him, enough to win the election and become King.{{book ref|mb2|38}} It is later revealed that Straff had bribed the skaa merchants with the promises of titles if they voted for Penrod, and convinced Penrod to ally with him against Cett. However, he doesn't march onto Luthadel immediately for fear of Vin.{{book ref|mb2|39}}
Elend decides that even not being king anymore, he will keep helping the city. He works on keeping the citizens from freezing, and tries to discover who poisoned the city's water supply. He meets with Jastes and warns him the koloss cannot be controlled. On the way back, he attacks one of the koloss and discovers Jastes is paying the koloss with fake coins.
Believing the city will fall, [[Sazed]], [[Dockson]], [[Breeze]] and [[Clubs]] conspire to send Elend and Vin away, along with [[Spook]] and Tindwyl.{{book ref|mb2|46}} Vin fought and killed [[Zane]],{{book ref|mb2|47}} and then asked Elend to marry her, and Sazed married them with a Larsta ceremony.{{book ref|mb2|48}} He tells them the [[Well of Ascension]] is on [[Derytatith]], in order to send them away from the city. They agree to go there with Tindwyl and Spook.{{book ref|mb2|48}} When they depart, Tindwyl decides not to go, and [[AllrianeAllrianne]] convinces them to take her with them. Shortly after departing, Allriane parts ways with them.{{book ref|mb2|49}}
A group follows them,{{book ref|mb2|50}} and they discover it is led by Jastes, who is fleeing from Luthadel.{{book ref|mb2|51}} Enraged that Jastes left an uncontrolled group of koloss outside Luthadel, Elend executes him.{{book ref|mb2|51}} Then, Spook reveals that Sazed had tricked Elend and Vin to get them to safety.{{book ref|mb2|51}} Vin realizes the Well is in Luthadel,{{book ref|mb2|51}} and they immediately return, with Vin going ahead on a pewter drag and later by Pulling and Pushing on horsheshoes and Elend and Spook following on horses.{{book ref|mb2|52}} Elend and Spook encounter a group of Terris refugees on their way to Luthadel{{book ref|mb2|56}}. They only arrive after the [[Battle of Luthadel]] is over, and Vin informs Elend he is Emperor.{{book ref|mb2|57}}