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== Philosophy ==
|I will put the law before all else.
|A general form of The Second Ideal of the Skybreakers{{wob ref|10391}}|left|250px|
The individuals who join the Skybreakers generally believe in following a strong moral code. They wish to prevent both anarchy and tyranny. To do so, they enforce the law on everyone. They particularly want to make sure the other Orders of Radiants do not use their powers to break the law and become tyrants. They used moral codes and legal structures to fight for justice and causes they believed in.{{wob ref|13733}}
=== The First Ideal ===
The First Ideal is also known to the Skybreakers as the Ideal of Radiance. Before swearing this Ideal, hopefuls travel with the Skybreakers on a mission. They must prove their dedication and solemnity on that mission to a full Skybreaker before they are deemed worthy of saying the Words. The Ideal of Radiance does not give powers or the ability to draw Stormlight, but it does qualify them for further tests among the Skybreakers so that they can become Squires. The Skybreakers pardon any past misdeeds when someone swears this Ideal, using the proper local authorities and paperwork.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
|Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
|The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant{{book ref|wok|59}}
The First Ideal is also known to the Skybreakers as the Ideal of Radiance. Before swearing this Ideal, hopefuls travel with the Skybreakers on a mission. They must prove their dedication and solemnity on that mission to a full Skybreaker before they are deemed worthy of saying the Words. The Ideal of Radiance does not give powers or the ability to draw Stormlight, but it does qualify them for further tests among the Skybreakers so that they can become Squires. The Skybreakers pardon any past misdeeds when someone swears this Ideal, using the proper local authorities and paperwork.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
=== The Second Ideal ===
{{image|Skybreakers Purelake.jpeg|side=right|width=250px|[[Szeth]] training with other Skybreakers}}
Also called the Ideal of Justice, this is a specific oath to seek and administer justice. Once a master chooses to accept someone as a Squire, they may swear this Ideal. This Ideal gives the Squire the ability to breathe in Stormlight and use the Surge of Gravitation.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
|I will put the law before all else.
|A general form of The Second Ideal of the Skybreakers{{wob ref|10391}}
|I swear to seek justice, to let it guide me, until I find a more perfect Ideal.
|The Second Ideal of the Skybreakers, as chosen by [[Szeth]]{{book ref|sa3|92}}
Also called the Ideal of Justice, this is a specific oath to seek and administer justice. Once a master chooses to accept someone as a Squire, they may swear this Ideal. This Ideal gives the Squire the ability to breathe in Stormlight and use the Surge of Gravitation.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
=== The Third Ideal ===
Also called the Ideal of Dedication, this is a specific oath to dedicate oneself to a greater truth, either a code or, sometimes, a person. A Skybreaker Squire must first bond their [[Highspren]] before taking this oath, and it is the minimum oath required before the Surge of Division can be used. Swearing this Ideal makes someone a full Skybreaker. This oath is the furthest that most Skybreakers ever swear.{{book ref|sa3|90}} If the code they swear to follow changes after they swear to it, they must follow the changes.{{wob ref|13766}}
|I swear to follow the will of Dalinar Kholin. This is my oath.
|The Third Ideal of the Skybreakers, as sworn by [[Szeth]]{{book ref|sa3|121}}
Also called the Ideal of Dedication, this is a specific oath to dedicate oneself to a greater truth, either a code or, sometimes, a person. A Skybreaker Squire must first bond their [[Highspren]] before taking this oath, and it is the minimum oath required before the Surge of Division can be used. Swearing this Ideal makes someone a full Skybreaker. This oath is the furthest that most Skybreakers ever swear.{{book ref|sa3|90}} If the code they swear to follow changes after they swear to it, they must follow the changes.{{wob ref|13766}}
=== The Fourth Ideal ===
This Ideal is also called the Ideal of Crusade, and requires that a Skybreaker undertake a personal quest and complete it to the satisfaction of their highspren. Once completed, the Skybreaker is elevated to the rank of master. Masters are able to accept Squires. Most Skybreakers never make it to this Ideal, and the ones that do can spend decades at the Third Ideal before completing their quest.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
|I will cleanse the Shin of their false leaders, so long as Dalinar Kholin agrees.
|The Fourth Ideal of the Skybreakers, as spoken by [[Szeth]]{{book ref|sa3|121}}.
This Ideal is also called the Ideal of Crusade, and requires that a Skybreaker undertake a personal quest and complete it to the satisfaction of their highspren. Once completed, the Skybreaker is elevated to the rank of master. Masters are able to accept Squires. Most Skybreakers never make it to this Ideal, and the ones that do can spend decades at the Third Ideal before completing their quest.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
=== The Fifth Ideal ===
|[[Szeth's highspren]] on the Fifth Ideal{{book ref|sa4|i|7}}
Called the Ideal of Law, this Ideal requires the Skybreaker to swear an oath that they will become a personification of law and truth. Nale is likely the only current Skybreaker to have achieved it, as it has been centuries since anyone mastered the Fifth Ideal.{{book ref|sa3|90}} There is a disagreement among the order on whether this means that the Skybreaker swearing this oath can do anything, as they are an embodiment of the law, or if they need to not break any law to keep their oaths. Depending on the Skybreaker's perception of the Ideal, either interpretation could be valid.{{wob ref|12100}} After swearing the Fifth Ideal, a Skybreaker is no longer required to follow the Third Ideal they swore to.{{book ref|sa4|i|7}}
== Abilities ==