Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elhokar Kholin»

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(→‎Mission to Kholinar: preparing the assault)
Later, Adolin and Elhokar attended one of the parties the lighteyes were still having, while Kaladin, Skar and Drehy would mingle with the guards. Elhokar wore a lightwoven disguise of general Khal, while Adolin was one of his sons.{{book ref|sa3|69}} A few days later, Elhokar was sitting in the kitchen working out which houses would support them, when Shallan found him. He noticed a design on her skirt that looked familiar to him, which was [[Pattern]]. He became philosophical saying he used to see himself as a hero who would conquer the shattered plain and now he questioned whether their win had meant anything. After shorty discussing the infiltration of the Cult, Elhokar told Shallan he could still be a hero for this city, and his son. She then got her sketchpad and made a proper sketch of Elhokar. In the sketch he looked regal, and she gave it to him.{{book ref|sa3|74}}
The day before the assault, Elhokar revealed himself to some of the lighteyes and got their support including a hundred soldiers.{{book ref|sa3|83}}
===== Assault on the Royal Palace =====
When Kaladin and Azure led an army from the Wall Guard to the tailor, Elhokar rushed outside to great them.{{book ref|sa3|82}} Azure informed Elhokar that the voidbringers had arrived and could start their attack at any moment. In turn, Elhokar commended her for her work with the Wall Guard. When everyone gathered, Elhokar gave the last instructions, including tasking Kaladin with getting the queen and the heir to safety.{{book ref|sa3|83}}
=== Death ===