Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:King of Herdaz/Renarin Kholin»

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(chapter 118)
=== Futuresight ===
|What's wrong with me? Why do I see these things? I thought I was doing something right, with Glys, but somehow it’s all wrong.
|Renarin to Jasnah{{book ref|sa3|118}}
In the days leading up to the [[True Desolation]], Renarin began seeing visions of the future which caused him to write glyph messages and numbers counting down to the arrival of the Everstorm. During the battle for Narak itself, he is taken by one of these visions again, and his participation in them seems to be involuntary, if not painful. Considering the Vorin sensibilities regarding men writing, it is likely that his writing of the glyphs is against his will also. Because he is seeing the future, an action explicitly forbidden by the Vorin church for ties with the Voidbringers, Renarin believes himself to be cursed by the Almighty.{{book ref|sa2|85}}
During his joint plateau assault with [[Jakamav]] Dalinar had Renarin brought to the battle surrounded by an honor guard with orders not to allow him to fight in order that he would see what battle was like. During the battle Renarin wanted to help defend one of the bridges, but when he summoned his blade, he heard the voice of its spren screeching in his mind and froze up. After the battle Renarin told Adolin that he needed to be ready for what was coming. Adolin assumed he was referring to the numbers that had been appearing in the walls during highstorms counting down to a new storm that was coming. However, Renarin, who had been the one writing those numbers, was thinking of the visions his bond with [[Glys]] had given him that predicted the coming of the [[Everstorm]]. Around this time Renarin stopped wearing his spectacles since his eyes had been healed by his Stormlight.{{book ref|sa2|26}}{{book ref|sa2|89}}
{{image|The Impossible Odds by Randy Vargas.jpg|side=left|heightwidth=200px|Adolin and Kaladin during the duel}}
When the [[Szeth|Assassin in White]] attacked them during a highstorm Dalinar ordered Renarin to take Elhokar to safety while he, Adolin, and Kaladin fought with the assassin.{{book ref|sa2|32}} The next day Renarin went to [[Bridge Four]]'s barracks and begged Kaladin to let him join him and his men. After an argument, Kaladin gave in and instructed him to wash the bowls and help [[Rock]] clean up from the night's stew. At first he made the other members of Bridge Four uncomfortable, but eventually they became good friends with him.{{book ref|sa2|41}} Several days later Renarin continued his training with Zahel who had him eat a meal in his Shardplate to teach him how to use it for delicate things, and then began training him how to fight with his Shards.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
When the [[Szeth|Assassin in White]] attacked them during a highstorm Dalinar ordered Renarin to take Elhokar to safety while he, Adolin, and Kaladin fought with the assassin.{{book ref|sa2|32}} The next day Renarin went to [[Bridge Four]]'s barracks and begged Kaladin to let him join him and his men. After an argument, Kaladin gave in and instructed him to wash the bowls and help [[Rock]] clean up from the night's stew. At first he made the other members of Bridge Four uncomfortable, but eventually they became good friends with him.{{book ref|sa2|41}} Several days later Renarin continued his training with Zahel who had him eat a meal in his Shardplate to teach him how to use it for delicate things, and then began training him how to fight with his Shards.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
{{image|The Impossible Odds by Randy Vargas.jpg|side=left|height=200px|Adolin and Kaladin during the duel}}
When Adolin went to meet with [[Eshonai]] in Dalinar's place he borrowed Renarin's Shardplate, which used to belong to Dalinar, to disguise the fact that he was not actually Dalinar.{{book ref|sa2|51}}
Renarin went with Dalinar, Jasnah, and Navani to Thaylen City for a meeting of all the members of the coalition. On their way to the meeting room Renarin asked [[Kdralk]] if the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]] contained any large gemstones. This was likely due to Glys showing him a vision about how [[perfect gem]]s would be important in the coming battle, but he did not tell Kdralk why he wanted to know. During the meeting Kdralk made a point of sitting next to Renarin and talking with him. Soon before the news of the translation of the [[Eila Stele]] arrived Renarin excused himself from the meeting and left the room.{{book ref|sa3|111}}
During the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] Renarin sat in the temple of [[Pailiah]] seeing visions of the future, manifesting as panes of stained glass combining and melting together.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} Jasnah realized that something was not right with him and came to the temple intending to kill him and end threat he, as a corrupted Radiant, posed to the rest of mankind. When she saw Glys floating in the air above Renarin's back she compared it to the sketch [[Jochi]] had given her she concluded that Renarin was not an actual Truthwatcher. She summoned [[Ivory]] as a Shardblade and prepared herself to do what she thought was necessary.{{book ref|sa3|115}} While she stood over him, Renarin watched his father give in and become Odium's champion.{{book ref|sa3|116}} He saw himself coming to the city with Dalinar and the betrayal that happened at the meeting. He saw himself kneeling in another pane of glass as Jasnah killed him, burning his eyes out.
|"I saw you kill me."
"It's all right, Renarin. I’m not going to."
"But don’t you see ? Don’t you understand what that means?"
Jasnah shook her head.
"Jasnah," Renarin said. "My vision was wrong about you. What I see … it can be wrong. "
|Renarin and Jasnah{{book ref|sa3|118}}
During the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] Renarin sat in the temple of [[Pailiah]] seeing visions of the future, manifesting as panes of stained glass combining and melting together.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} Jasnah realized that something was not right with him and came to the temple intending to kill him and end threat he, as a corrupted Radiant, posed to the rest of mankind. When she saw Glys floating in the air above Renarin's back she compared it to the sketch [[Jochi]] had given her she concluded that Renarin was not an actual Truthwatcher. She summoned [[Ivory]] as a Shardblade and prepared herself to do what she thought was necessary.{{book ref|sa3|115}} While she stood over him, Renarin watched his father give in and become Odium's champion.{{book ref|sa3|116}} He saw himself coming to the city with Dalinar and the betrayal that happened at the meeting. He saw himself kneeling in another pane of glass as Jasnah killed him, burning his eyes out.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Renarin accepted his impending death, thinking that it would be better to die than to live in a world where Dalinar Kholin, the Blackthorn, was Odium's champion. He whispered out loud that Dalinar had fallen and was no more. As Jasnah moved in to strike Renarin turned to look at her and nodded. Jasnah saw his tear streaked face and hesitated. She dismissed her Blade and embraced her cousin. She told him that they would find a way to fix what was wrong with him and that everything would be fine in the end. Seeing that Jasnah was not going to kill him, as his vision had foretold would happen, Renarin realized that his visions were not always accurate and that sometimes they were wrong.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
== Relationships ==