Diferencia entre revisiones de «Primero del Sol»

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| If you wish more, seek these waters in person and overcome the tests we have created. Only in this will you earn our respect.
| I have not yet had a chance to investigate First of the Sun myself. The area around the perpendicularity is extremely dangerous, and the few expeditions sent there from Silverlight have not returned.
| [[KhrissAutonomy]] to [[Hoid]]{{auepigraph ref|Drominadsa3|51}}
'''First of the Sun''' is a [[Cosmere#Planets|world]]{{wob ref|2930}} in the [[Drominad system]].{{map ref|Drominad system}} The natives of this world have not yet developed spacefaring technology, but they have been visited by the [[Ones Above]], a spacefaring race from another world. First of the Sun possesses a single moon called First of the First.{{map ref|Drominad system}}