Diferencia entre revisiones de «Toralin Roshone»

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m (-spoil)
(→‎Lirin: Pubic? Also copyedit.)
| Roshone to Lirin when they meet in Hearthstone{{book ref|sa1|25}}
Roshone and Lirin have had a complicated relationship since they met. When Lirin welcomed their new brightlord, RosohoneRoshone's reply was ato blame on him for letting Wistiow die.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Their relationship worsened when he found that Lirin had a goblet full of spheres--, claiming that it was a gift from Wistiow before his death. Roshone made pubicit public that he believed Lirin stolehad stolen them.{{book ref|sa1|31}} This changed the relationship withbetween Lirin and the town, and the townspeople simply stopped their donations, all at a word from Roshone. Further pressure from Roshone to recover the spheres provedwas unsuccessful, though Roshone believed that he would eventually win.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
After a hunting accident, Lirin was able to preserve Roshone's life at the cost of his leg, but the surgeon was unable to save Roshone's son, Rillir, despite the citylord's protests. This sealed the bad relationship between them, and it culminated in Roshone choosing Tien to go intoto war and Kaladin following to protect him. With this, Lirin lost both his sons in one day atby Roshone's doing.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
Many yearsYears later, after the Everstorm came, Kaladin wentreturned to visit the townHearthstone and found that Lirin and Roshone havehad a better relationship, probably outbecause ofRoshone's guilt from Roshone.{{book ref|sa3|6}}
=== Kaladin ===