Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jasnah Kholin»

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During their days sailing, Shallan occasionally asked Jasnah about the Ghostbloods, but she claimed to know very little of them beyond the fact that they wanted her research, and were willing to kill for it. Jasnah contacted Navani via spanreed to ask whether Shallan's Soulcaster could be fixed. She also requested Navani arrange a betrothal between [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin]] and Shallan. Navani answered positively to both. She also arranged a relatively small amount of money to be sent to the [[House Davar|Davar family]]. It was on the ship that she explained the nature of Shadesmar and the spren to Shallan at length, showing a good understanding of the [[Realmatic Theory]]. She claimed that meeting was not an accident, that the spren had guided Shallan to her, and that the old ways were returning because spren sensed an impending danger and were trying to preserve themselves. Jasnah also explained about the perception of power.
Jasnah was seemingly murdered by either the Ghostbloods or mercenaries working for [[Tyn]] on board after being stabbed through the heart. However she was able to escape to Shadesmar using the [[Surgebinding#Transportation|Surge of Transportation]] where she was able to heal using Stormlight.{{tor ref|stormlight-archive-scene-after-words-of-radiance|text=Tor.com release ofRead a sceneNew Stormlight Archive Scene setSet afterAfter Words of Radiance.!|date=Aug 6th, 2014}} Jasnah re-appeared following the summoning of the [[Everstorm]] to [[Hoid|Wit]]. She threatens him with a Shardblade, presumably her spren [[Ivory]]. She has gained knowledge through her journey through Shadesmar, most notably about the original [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}
=== Return to the Shattered Plains (1173—) ===