Diferencia entre revisiones de «Desolación»

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|[[Dalinar's visions]]{{book ref|sa2|4}}|side=left|size=375px}}
The Knights Radiant were originally a surprise to Honor, as he had not shown it to the Heralds. Spren decided to mimic the Heralds andgiveand give men access to Surgebinding by forming [[Nahel bond]]s.{{book ref|sa2|4}} While the Knights Radiant as a whole helped in fighting the Voidbringers and rebuilding society, each order of Knights fulfilled a different role. The [[Windrunners]] acted as scouts, the [[Stonewards]] acted as front line soldiers,{{wob ref|12085}} and the [[Lightweavers]] gave spiritual sustenance to the troops.{{epigraph ref|sa2|47}} Many of the Radiants, particularly the Windrunners,{{book ref|sa3|61}} lived in cities in [[Alethela]] and crossed borders into other nations to fight.{{book ref|sa1|19}} The [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]] that Radiants could wield gave them a better chance when fighting the Voidbringers, particularly the [[Thunderclast]]s.{{book ref|sa3|120}} The Radiants invited any with the desire and ability to fight or lead to come get training and potentially join them.{{book ref|sa1|19}}{{book ref|sa3|34}}
=== Voidbringers ===