Diferencia entre revisiones de «Navani Kholin»

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When she learns of his "death" at the battle of the [[Battle of the Tower|Tower]], upon receipt of the news of [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]'s betrayal, Navani endeavors to paint a prayer in [[glyph]] format upon the stones of the Plains. She creates a wish out of despair, a plea out of anguish: ''Thath'': Justice.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
After he came back, he decided not to keep the relationship a secret, and they became a couple; not only personally but as leaders of the war and kingdom. She had a way with him, translating scholarship into battle tactics, that helped them understand each other. She also made sure he did not hate the other Alethi princes, but to see them as his people.{{book ref|sa1|67}} TheyTheir wedding ceremony was getcarried marriedout viaby the Stormfather.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
He believes he loves her the most for being open and genuine in a society that prided itself on secrets. She’d been breaking taboos, and hearts, since their youth.{{book ref|sa3|1}}
Dalinar confided in Navani all he remembered of her visit to the Nightwatcher, she was very supportive. When he started to get his memories back she researched the Old Magic to try to understand why thatit was happening; but in more than 300three hundred cases all effects lasted till death. {{book ref|sa3|24}}
After the battle of Thaylen, he requests Navani to teach him how to read and write. She does and also helps him with the writing of his autobiography. {{book ref|sa3|122}}