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== Magic ==
Many of the animals on the Pantheon are able to detect the thoughts of other creatures on the planet. There are enormous sea creatures that hunt other creatures by detecting their thought patterns. Hunters of the Pantheon use their [[Aviar]]s to mask their thoughts. There are plants that send out the thoughts of frightened or wounded animals, in order to draw predators, which fight near their trunk. The tree feeds off the dead carcasses. Enormous birds called Nightmaws find prey using exceptional olfactory senses, and the ability to sense others' minds. Aviar, birds prized by the trappers for their magical abilities, such as blocking the trappers thought waves, defending them from predators, live only on the Pantheon. If you grow an Aviar fromis anhatched eggand raised somewhere else, theyit will not have this ability. All Aviar, regardless of what island they come from, go to a certain placesecluded location on [[Patji]] called [[Patji's Eye]] when they are young, and when they leave, they are endowed with their magical ability. Nobody except for Sixth of the Dusk knows the secret to the magic of the [[Aviar]]: they eat the fruit of the tree, called [[Patji's Finger]] and getbecome infected with a parasitic worm,. and itIt is the worm that actually holdsbestows the magicInvested abilities. IfA youbird bringof a differentanother species ofthat birdis brought to [[Patji's Eye]], they will develop a different power, as evidenced by [[Sak]].
The Investiture on First of the Sun is naturally occurring and not from a Shard's direct influence, but Autonomy may have tweaked the magic system due to the Investiture being "assigned" to her Shard.{{wob ref|date=2018-3-18|9385|General Reddit 2018}}
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