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When she woke, Vstim told her that Relu-na had slowed her fall and saved her life. Rysn figured out that Talik was a former apprentice of Vstim, who wasn't as sick as he appeared to Rysn. He had set up the trade with the Reshi as a practice run for Rysn. Vstim told her she had both her legs shattere,d and he didn't know if she would walk again. He told her, however, that she would most definitely trade again, and that the other Reshi islands would line up to trade with them. He told her they had come to the island to trade for the corpse of a larkin. Rysn was also gifted with a live larkin by Relu-na.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}
=== Thaylen Gemstone ReserveCity ===
Discouraged by a sense of uselessness that came with the paralysis of her legs, Rysn refused to continue traveling with Vstim after her apprenticeship was complete. Worried over the young girl's well-being, Vstim secured a distinguished position for Rysn at the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]], where she would manage Queen [[Fen]]'s ledgers. Rysn took the job, leaving behind most vestiges of her former life besides her pot of Shin grass and her larkin, Chiri-Chiri. She excelled in her career, but did not enjoy it. When [[Renarin Kholin]] arrived in [[Thaylen City]] offering healing, Rysn approached the man hoping for a miracle. Her legs would not heal, however, and Rysn considered her plight a punishment for her brashness.{{book ref|sa3|i|13}}
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