Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alta tormenta»

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(neatening up the last sentence in the first paragraph)
== Description ==
A highstorm has three general stages. The leading edge, or stormwall, is the most dangerous part of the storm. Immensely powerful winds generate a wall of dust, water, and larger debris.{{book ref|twok|34}} It is shown that it is powerful enough to carry large trees at least 640 kilometres, into the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa2|69}} It was also powerful enough to hurl boulders hundreds of metres vertically into the air during [[Kaladin]] and [[Szeth]]'s second battle.{{book ref|sa2|86}} The main body of the highstorm carries less debris, although the winds are still strong enough to hurl boulders. The trailing edge of the storm, known as the riddens, consists of light rains mixed with relatively mild gusts of wind. {{book ref|twok|35}} The [[Purelake]] experiences less intense highstorms.{{book ref|twok|i|1}}
There have been sightings of a number of different beings inside the storm.{{cite}}{{expand}}
