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The '''Sea of Lost Lights''' is a location in [[Shadesmar]]. It is bordered by the [[Sea of Souls]], the [[Expanse of the Broken Sky]], and the [[Expanse of the Vapors]].{{map ref|Shadesmar}} In the Physical Realm, this area would be [[Alethkar]].
[[Shallan]], [[Vivenna|Azure]], [[Adolin]], and [[Kaladin]] get stuck here after they attempt to use the Oathgate. Azure seems very knowledgable about the place and says the way to get back to the Physical Realm is through Cultivation PerpindiularityPerpendicularity at the Horneater Mountains. The rivers in the physical realm become panninsula'speninsulas here made of an obsidian-like material. TheirThere are plants growing on this, and [[Syl]] says they grow just like normal plants. They travel along the panninsulapeninsula to a lighthouse at its end. Inside thethis Lighthouselighthouse is a man who KalidinKaladin thinks is Shin, but is likely from Sel as he refrences the [[Korothi]] god. He claims that his orb can see the future. KalididKaladin looks in this orb and feels strongly that he needs to go to Thaylen City and thinks that Dalinar is in grave danger.
They get a ride on a boat sailed by lightspren, or Reachers. The boats are pulled by Mandras, which have heads the look like [[Spren|Luckspren]]. The Reachers have frabialsfabrials that can create water. They are sailing to Celebrant, a city on an island that is the Sea of Spears in the Physical Realm. The captain says that they have perfect sphersspheres theirthere that never run out of [[stormlight]].
== Notes ==
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