Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reino Cognitivo»

110 bytes añadidos ,  hace 7 años
→‎Scadrial: added reference to "Expanse of Vapors"
(→‎Scadrial: added reference to "Expanse of Vapors")
=== Scadrial ===
PhysicalThe thingsScadrian onregion of the Cognitive Realm is called the '''Expanse of Vapors''' on Scadrialthe [[Shadesmar#The_Shadesmar_Map|Rosharan Shadesmar map]]. On it, Physical things appear shrouded in mist. Living things, as well as metallic objects, appear to glow. The Physical land appear misty and fluid, while bodies of water on the Physical Realm appear as solid, dark, smoky stone where mist-emitting plants grow.{{msh ref|2|2}} Worldhoppers have been known to travel by boat across the misty fluid of the Scadrian Cognitive Realm{{qa ref|1182|57|Arcanum Unbounded signing in Chicago, IL|date=Dec 6th, 2016}}, but Cognitive Shadows, Shard Vessels, and the souls of the dead appear capable of walking on the fluid.
It is possible to take the misty Cognitive aspect of an object on Scadrial's Cognitive Realm and use it away from its Physical location, as [[Kelsier]] does in [[Mistborn: Secret History]].{{msh ref|4|3}} How this can be done has not yet been fully explained.
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