Diferencia entre revisiones de «Subastral de Roshar»

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(Made the article more Roshar-specific and added more details)
[[File:Shadesmar (TWoK).jpg|thumb|right|text-top|300px|x200x|alt=Shadesmar|Map of Shadesmar, the Cognitive Realm]]
{{for|Cognitive Realm|the Cognitive Realm in general|pre=This article is about the Cognitive Realm region specific to [[Roshar]]}}
'''Shadesmar''' is a [[Roshar]]an{{qa ref|1108|16|Is Shadesmar a Roshar specific term?|date=Mar 13th, 2014}} word for the [[Cognitive Realm]]{{qa ref|428|10|Shadesmar is the Cognitive Realm|date=Jul, 2009}} that [[Brandon Sanderson]] sometimes uses in non-Rosharan contexts.
'''Shadesmar''' is a [[Roshar]]an{{qa ref|1108|16|Is Shadesmar a Roshar specific term?|date=Mar 13th, 2014}} word for the [[Cognitive Realm]]{{qa ref|428|10|Shadesmar is the Cognitive Realm|date=Jul, 2009}} that. [[Brandon Sanderson]] sometimes uses this term in non-Rosharan contexts when referring to that Realm.{{qa ref|1108|16|Is Shadesmar a Roshar specific term?|date=Mar 13th, 2014}}
This article is about the Rosharan region of the Cognitive Realm.
== Appearance ==
