Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elantris (ciudad)»

=== The Restoration of Elantris ===
During the events of the Invasion of Arelon by [[Dakhor]] monks, Raoden was critically injured and becomes one of the Hoed. Galladon and Karata, followingkeeping a promise they had made to Raoden, brought him to the Lake in order to easeend his suffering. On the way Raoden subconsciously noticed that Elantris was itself was a broken Aon. After refusing the peace offered by the Lake, he added the Chasm line to the Elantrian Metropolitan District while avoiding capture by the enemy. Karata died protecting him. Once the Chasm line was added, Elantris, and the Elantrians were restored to their pre-Reod state.
Following Raoden's coronation, Elantris was re-instatedreinstated as the Arelish capital.
== Landmarks ==
