Diferencia entre revisiones de «Helaran Davar»

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Of all the Davar children, he knows the most about his father's secrets and plans and stands up to him the most. He has some connection to [[Hoid|Wit]], whom he asks to deliver the message that "he has eyes nearby and is watching." At hearing this, his father declares him disinherited.{{book ref|sa2|45}} He vanishes before Shallan's father's death, causing his father to proclaim him dead.{{book ref|sa1|8}} He is killed by [[Kaladin]] during a battle in [[Alethkar]], and his Shards are stolen by [[Meridas Amaram]]{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{book ref|sa1|51}}{{book ref|sa2|52}}{{book ref|sa2|73}}.
{{quote|Helarans grin was so wide, it practically glowed.It was hard to frown in a room where he was smiling ---|[[Shallan]]s thoughts on her brother during their last meeting.{{book ref|sa2|29}}}}
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