Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vin/Galería»

1493 bytes añadidos ,  hace 1 año
sin resumen de edición
== CoverPortadas &y Interiorarte Artinterior ==
[[Vin]] isaparece featureden onnumerosas numerousportadas covers forde [[MistbornNacidos de la bruma Era 1]].
<gallery mode="packed" heights=225px caption="CoverIlustraciones Artde las portadas">
TFE US 1st cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jon Foster}}</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (Hardcovertapa dura)
WOA US 1st cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jon Foster}}</small></center> ''[[TheEl WellPozo ofde Ascensionla Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo de la Ascensión]]'' (Hardcovertapa dura)
HOA US 1st cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jon Foster}}</small></center> ''[[TheEl HeroHéroe ofde Ageslas Eras]]'' (Hardcovertapa dura)
TFE 1st MMPB cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jon Foster}}</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (1stprimera Mass-Markettapa Paperbackblanda)
TFE 2nd MMPB cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Chris McGrath}}</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (2ndsegunda Mass-Markettapa Paperbackblanda)
WOA US MMPB cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Chris McGrath}}</small></center> ''[[TheEl WellPozo ofde Ascensionla Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo de la Ascensión]]'' (Mass-Markettapa Paperbackblanda)
HOA 1st MMPB cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Chris McGrath}}</small></center> ''[[TheEl HeroHéroe ofde Ageslas Eras]]'' (Mass-Markettapa Paperbackblanda)
Vin Allen.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Alex Allen}}</small></center>GraphicConjunto Audiode seriesla setsaga en Graphic Audio
Final Empire Weber.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Sam Weber}}</small></center>''[[Mistborn:MEl TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (YA re-releaselanzamiento en jóven-adulto)
WoA Weber.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Sam Weber}}</small></center>''[[TheEl WellPozo ofde Ascensionla Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo de la Ascensión]]'' (YA re-releaselanzamiento en jóven-adulto)
HoA Weber.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Sam Weber}}</small></center>''[[TheEl HeroHéroe ofde Ageslas Eras]]'' (YA re-releaselanzamiento en jóven.adulto)
TFE LTUS cover2023 artCover Art.jpgpng | <centersmall><smallcenter>byde Gediminas{{a|Danny SkyriusSchlitz}}</smallcenter></centersmall> ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (Lithuania2023)
WOA LTUS cover2023 artCover Art.jpg | <centersmall><smallcenter>byde Gediminas{{a|Danny SkyriusSchlitz}}</smallcenter></centersmall> ''[[TheEl WellPozo ofde Ascensionla Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo de la Ascensión]]'' (Lithuania2023)
HOA LTUS cover2023 artCover Art.jpg | <centersmall><smallcenter>byde Gediminas{{a|Danny SkyriusSchlitz}}</smallcenter></centersmall> ''[[TheEl Héroe Herode oflas AgesEras]]'' (Lithuania2023)
TFE GELT Covercover Artart.jpg | <center><small>by GagaGediminas TurmanishviliSkyrius</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (GeorgiaLituania)
WOA GELT cover art.jpg | <center><small>by GagaGediminas TurmanishviliSkyrius</small></center> ''[[TheEl WellPozo ofde Ascensionla Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo de la Ascensión]]'' (GeorgiaLituania)
TFEHOA CN 2ndLT cover art.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|JianGediminas Guo}}Skyrius</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El TheHéroe Finalde Empirelas Eras]]'' (Mainland ChinaLituania)
WOATFE CNGE 2ndCover cover artArt.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|JianGaga Guo}}Turmanishvili</small></center> ''[[TheEl WellImperio ofFinal Ascension(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (Mainland ChinaGeorgia)
HOAWOA CN 2ndGE cover art.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|JianGaga Guo}}Turmanishvili</small></center> ''[[TheEl HeroPozo ofde Agesla Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo de la Ascensión]]'' (Mainland ChinaGeorgia)
TFE RUCN 2nd cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|SergeyJian ShikinGuo}}</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (RussiaChina continental)
TFEWOA PTCN 2nd cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde Luis{{a|Jian MeloGuo}}</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El ThePozo Finalde Empirela Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo de la Ascensión]]'' (PortugalChina continental)
MBHOA EraCN 1 BR full2nd cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|MarcJian SimonettiGuo}}</small></center> ''[[MistbornEl EraHéroe 1de las Eras]]'' (BrazilChina continental)
MB1TFE PLRU 2nd cover art.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|DominikSergey BroniekShikin}}</small></center> ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (PolandRusia)
HoATFE PL 2ndPT cover art.jpg by Dominik Broniek.jpeg| <smallcenter><centersmall>by {{a|DominikLuis Broniek}}Melo</centersmall></smallcenter> ''[[TheEl HeroImperio Final (libro)|El ofImperio AgesFinal]]'' (PolandPortugal)
TFEMB BGEra Cover1 ArtBR full cover art.jpg | <small>center>by<small>de Todor{{a|Marc HristovSimonetti}}<center/small></smallcenter> ''[[Mistborn: The FinalEra Empire1]]'' (BulgariaBrasil)
MB1 PL cover art.jpg | <center><small>de {{a|Dominik Broniek}}</small></center> ''[[El Imperio Final (libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (Polonia)
HoA PL 2nd cover art by Dominik Broniek.jpeg| <small><center>de {{a|Dominik Broniek}}</center></small> ''[[El Héroe de las Eras]]'' (Polonia)
TFE BG Cover Art.jpg | <small><center>by Todor Hristov</center></small> ''[[El Imperio Final (libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' (Bulgaria)
<gallery mode="packed" heights=225px caption="InteriorArte artinterior">
The Ascendant Warrior.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Miranda Meeks}}</small></center>''TheLa AscendantGuerrero WarriorAscendente'', fromde la edición en piel de ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' leatherbound
Vin mistborn by Steve Argyle.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Steve Argyle}} </small></center> ''Vin, Mistbornnacida de la bruma'', fromde la edición en piel de ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' leatherbound
Vin in the mists by Steve argyle.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Steve Argyle}} </small></center> ''Vin inen thelas mistsbrumas'', fromde la edición en piel de ''[[Mistborn:El TheImperio Final Empire(libro)|El Imperio Final]]'' leatherbound
The Heir of the Survivor - Miranda Meeks.jpg |<center><small>byde {{a|Miranda Meeks}}</small></center> ''TheLa Heirheredera ofdel the SurvivorSuperviviente'', fromde la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Pozo de la Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo Wellde ofla AscensionAscensión]]'' leatherbound
Vin vs. Koloss.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Charles Tan}}</center></small> Vin fightingluchando acontra Kolossun koloss, fromde la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Pozo de la Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo Wellde ofla AscensionAscensión]]'' leatherbound
One Less Threat by Howard Lyon.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Howard Lyon}}</small></center> ''OneUna Lessamenaza Threatmenos'', fromde la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Pozo de la Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo Wellde ofla AscensionAscensión]]'' leatherbound
Vin WoA LB by Ben McSweeney.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Ben McSweeney}}</center></small>''Vin withcon Sworduna espada'', fromde la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Pozo de la Ascensión (libro)|El Pozo Wellde ofla AscensionAscensión]]'' leatherbound
Defending Preservation.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Miranda Meeks}}</small></center> ''DefendingDefendiendo Preservationa Conservación'', fromde la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Héroe Herode oflas AgesEras]]'' leatherbound
Vin and Elend by Sam Weber.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|Sam Weber}}</center></small> UnusedPortada USno coverutilizada arten EE.UU., fromde la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Héroe Herode oflas AgesEras]]'' leatherbound
Vin.png | <center><small>byde {{a|Ben McSweeney}}</small></center> FromDe el juego de mesa ''[[Mistborn Adventure Game]]''
== Portraits Retratos==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=225px caption="Portraits">
Vin portrait.png| <small><center>byde {{a|Reiyeka}}</center></small>
Ascendant Warrior Vin.JPG | <small><center>byde {{a|Bernardo Curvello}}</center></small>
Vin 01.png| <center><small>byde {{a|Laura MacMahon}}</small></center>Vin atal the beginninginicio
Valette portrait.png| <center><small>byde {{a|Laura MacMahon}}</small></center>Vin dressedvestida ascomo Valette
Vin mistcloak portrait.png| <center><small>byde {{a|Laura MacMahon}}</small></center>Vin wearingvistiendo auna capa de mistcloakbrumas
VinElend.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Fyrebeam}}</center></small> Vin andy Elend
VinFyre.png | <small><center>byde {{a|Fyrebeam}}</center></small>
Vin Portrait.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Charles Tan}}</center></small>
Vin Shuravf.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Shuravf}}</center></small>
Mistborn (by Charles Tan).jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Charles Tan}}</center></small>
Vin Spook.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Botanicaxu}}</center></small> WithCon Spook
TenSoon Vin.png| <small><center>byde {{a|artassus}}</center></small>WithCon TenSoon
Vin, Tindwyl and Mare (cycloalkane).jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|cycloalkane}}</center></small>Vin, Tindwyl andy Mare
Vin Wax.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Botanicaxu}}</center></small>Vin andy Wax
Vin June.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/June Jenssen|June Jenssen]]</small></center>Valette
Vin Requiem.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Manny Padilla|Manny Padilla]]</small></center>
Beautiful Destroyer by Alec Acevedo.jpg | <center><small>by: [[Coppermind:Artists/Alec Acevedo|Alec Acevedo]]</small></center>BeautifulHermosa destroyerdestructora
Mistborn by Manuel Castanon.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Manuel Castañón|Manuel Castañón]]</small></center>
Vin by ThatSummersGuy.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/ThatSummersGuy|ThatSummersGuy]]</small></center>
Vin 2 by Ydunn Lopez.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Ydunn Lopez|Ydunn Lopez]]</small></center>
Vin by Yaya93Art.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Yaya93Art|Yaya93Art]]</small></center>
Atium Shadow by Danrossidraws.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Danrossidraws|Danrossidraws]]</small></center>BurningQuemando [[atium]]
Trust by Nevena Marković.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Nevena Marković|Nevena Marković]]</small></center>WithCon [[TenSoon]]
Vin by cola-san.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/cola-san|cola-san]]</small></center>
Vin Chibi.png | <center><small>byde {{a|Jewishicequeen}}</small></center>
Vin by Tara Spruit.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|taratjah}}</small></center>
Vin sketches by Tara Spruit - 1.jpg |<center><small>byde {{a|taratjah}}</small></center> AsComo aniña de streetla urchincalle andy ascp,p Valette
Vin sketches by Tara Spruit - 2.jpg |<center><small>byde {{a|taratjah}}</small></center> InCon auna [[mistcloakcapa de brumas]]
Vin by Jules Aguimatang.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jules Aguimatang}}</small></center> InEn combatcombate
Vin - WoA38 by Jules Aguimatang.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jules Aguimatang}}</small></center>Protectora de [[Elend]]'s protector
Vin by Connor Chamberlain.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center>
Vin and Kelsier by BlazeMalefica.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|BlazeMalefica}}</small></center> WithCon [[Kelsier]]
Vin by BlazeMalefica.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|BlazeMalefica}}</small></center> SwingingBlandiendo auna espada [[koloss]] sword
Vin by ShiroXIX.png | <center><small>byde {{a|ShiroXIX}}</small></center> CoinshootingLanzamonedas
Vin by clarinking.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|clarinking}}</small></center>
Vin In the Mists by clarinking.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|clarinking}}</small></center> InEn thelas mistsbrumas
Koloss Blade Vin by clarinking.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|clarinking}}</small></center> HoldingSosteniendo auna espada [[Kolosskoloss]] sword
Vin Expressions by clarinking.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|clarinking}}</small></center>
Vin and Elend by clarinking portrait.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|clarinking}}</small></center> WithCon [[Elend]]
Vin and Ruin by EccoS.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|EccoS}}</small></center> WithCon [[RuinRuina]]
Vin by EccoS.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|EccoS}}</small></center>
Knife by Connor Chamberlain.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center>
Vin by ML Malandrino.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Maria Lia Malandrino}}</small></center>
Vin zoethatcher.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|zoethatcher art}}</small></center>
Vin by ToastSamurai.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|ToastSamurai}}</small></center> WithCon [[Leras]], [[Sazed]] andy [[Ati]]
Vin Jemma M Young.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Jemma M. Young}}</center></small>
Vin and Elend by Ari Ibarra.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Ari Ibarra}}</center></small> WithCon [[Elend]]
Vin by Morgana0anagroM.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Morgana0anagroM}}</center></small>
Vin by Dejan Delic.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Dejan Delic}}</center></small>
Pushing by Rafael Sousa.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Rafael Sousa}}</center></small>
Valette by Rafael Sousa.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Rafael Sousa}}</center></small> AsComo Valette
Mistborn by Rafael Sousa.png | <small><center>byde {{a|Rafael Sousa}}</center></small>
The Deepness by creativityinajar.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|creativityinajar}}</center></small>
Vin by ephermeres.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|ephermeres}}</small></center>
Vin WoA by ephermeres.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|ephermeres}}</small></center>
Vin Evan Teuteberg.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Evan Teuteberg}}</center></small>
Vin by Deandra Scicluna.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Deandra Scicluna}}</center></small>
Vin by Cristi Balanescu.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Cristi Balanescu}}</center></small>
Vin by Nat Rodgers.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Nat Rodgers}}</center></small>
Vin by Ingvild Schage.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Ingvild Schage}}</center></small>
Masters of the Mist by Ingvild Schage.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Ingvild Schage}}</center></small>FlyingVolando withcon Kelsier
Vin by GisAlmeida.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|GisAlmeida}}</center></small>
Valette by zoethatcher art.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|zoethatcher art}}</center></small>AsComo Valette
Vin by Elizabeth Peiró.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elizabeth Peiró}}</center></small>
Vin by Egilde Art.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Egilde Art}}</center></small>
Kelsier's Crew by Katie Payne.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Katie Payne}}</center></small> WithCon theel restresto ofde la [[Kelsier'sbanda crewde Kelsier]].
Vin by Luna Guardiola.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Luna Guardiola}}</center></small>
Vin by Diego López.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Diego López}}</center></small>
Vin With Dagger by Diego López.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|Diego López}}</center></small>
== ScenesEscenas ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=225px caption="ScenesEscenas">
Scrawny Vin by Elisgardor.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elisgardor}}</center></small> HoldingSosteniendo hersu firstprimera [[mistcloakcapa de brumas]]
Mistborn by Ricky Ho.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|Ricky Ho}}</center></small>[[Vin]] goingsaliendo outside withcon [[Kelsier]]
Luthadel Streets by Ricky Ho.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|Ricky Ho}}</center></small>[[Kelsier]] andy [[Vin]] walkingcaminando inpor anun alleywaycallejón inde [[Luthadel]]
Stargazing by Ricky Ho.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|Ricky Ho}}</center></small>[[Kelsier]] andy [[Vin]] lookingviendo atlas theestrellas starsen inel thecielo nocturno [[Scadrial|Scadrianscadriano]] night sky.
Vin and Kelsier by ephermeres.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|ephermeres}}</small></center> LearningAprendiendo Allomancysobre fromalomancia de [[Kelsier]]
Keep Venture, Elend's Cubby by Lyraina.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Lyraina}}</center></small>SeeingViendo a [[Elend]] aten ael ballbaile.
Elend and Vin by Esther Schrader.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Esther Schrader}}</small></center> AtEn aun ballbaile withcon [[Elend]]
Vin by Elsa Velasco.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elsa Velasco}}</center></small> SpyingEspiando onal grupo de [[Elend]]'s group
Vin in the mists by Javier Corpas.png| <small><center>byde {{a|Javier Corpas}}</center></small>
Colliding Worlds by Ingvild Schage.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Ingvild Schage}}</center></small>WithCon [[Elend]]
Vin and Elend by Elisgardor.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elisgardor}}</center></small>WithCon [[Elend]]
Vin and Shan Elariel by Egilde Art.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Egilde Art}}</center></small>FightingLuchando contra [[Shan Elariel]]
Vin fighting Shan by Elizabeth Peiro.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elizabeth Peiró}}</center></small>FightingLuchando contra [[Shan Elariel]]
Vin vs Shan Elariel by Rafael Sousa.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Rafael Sousa}}</center></small>FightingLuchandoc contra [[Shan Elariel]]
On the rooftops.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jules Aguimatang}}</small></center> SittingSentada withcon [[Kelsier]] onen thelos rooftopstejados
Kelsier and Vin by Elisgardor.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elisgardor}}</center></small>[[Kelsier]] showingenseñándole Vinel dibujo de la flor de [[Mare]]'s flower drawing
Kredik Shaw.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Evan Monteiro}}</center></small> Vin aten Kredik Shaw
Vin vs the Lord Ruler.jpg | <center><small>by{{a|Rafael Sousa}}</small></center>Vin vscontra theel Lordlord RulerLegislador
Help from the Mists by Carlos C Diaz.jpg| <small><center>by [https://twitter.com/CCDiazPaints Carlos C Diaz]</center></small> FightingLuchando thecontra el [[Lordlord RulerLegislador]]
Vin vs the Lord Ruler by Luna Guardiola.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Luna Guardiola}}</center></small> FightingLuchando thecontra el [[Lordlord RulerLegislador]]
Vin by Morgan Weber.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Morgan Weber}}</center></small>OverlookingViendo [[Luthadel]]
Vin Watching copy.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Allison Kay}}</small></center> Vin watchingviendo Luthadel
Vin by Stephanie McCrea Rainosek.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Stephanie McCrea Rainosek}}</small></center>
Vin by Jessica Liu.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Jessica Liu}}</center></small> FlyingVolando throughpor [[Luthadel]]
Vin and TenSoon by Alba Palacio.jpeg| <small><center>by [https://twitter.com/albapalacio27 Alba Palacio]</center></small>TravelingViajando thepor rooftopslos oftejados de [[Luthadel]] with con [[TenSoon]]
Vin and TenSoon by Connor Chamberlain.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</center></small>TravelingViajando thepor rooftopslos oftejados de [[Luthadel]] with con [[TenSoon]]
Vin and Elend Shuravf.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Shuravf}}</center></small> WatchingViendo a [[Elend]] writeescribiendo aten hissu deskescritorio
Vin and TenSoon.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|LittleGreyDragon}}</center></small> WithCon [[TenSoon]]
Keep Venture, Windows by Lyraina.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Lyraina}}</center></small>LookingVigilando overla [[Keepmansión Venture]]
Mistborn by Séverine Dumagny.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Séverine Dumagny}}</small></center>OverlookingVigilando [[Luthadel]]
Vin Fan Cover by Rebecca Scarborough.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Rebecca Scarborough}}</center></small> AttackingAtacabado a Cett aten la KeepFortaleza HastingsHasting
Vin vs Zane.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|cccrystalclear}}</center></small> FightingLuchando contra Zane
Bloodbath by Rafael Sousa.png | <small><center>byde {{a|Rafael Sousa}}</center></small> FightingLuchando contra los [[koloss]]
Vin by Javier Corpas.png| <small><center>byde {{a|Javier Corpas}}</center></small>FightingLuchando contra los [[koloss]]
Duralumin Leap Heard Around Scadrial.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Matthew Johnson}}</center></small> Vin usingusando [[duraluminduraluminio]]
The Well of Ascension by Eleonor Piteira.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Eleonor Piteira}}</small></center>InEn theel [[WellPozo ofde Ascensionla Ascensión (in-world)|Pozo de la Ascensión]]
Vin ascending by Elsa Velasco.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elsa Velasco}}</center></small>AtEn theel [[WellPozo ofde Ascensionla Ascensión (in-world)|Pozo de la Ascensión]]
Vin Says Hello by Stephanie McCrea Rainosek.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Stephanie McCrea Rainosek}}</small></center>
Vin and Elend by clarinking.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|clarinking}}</small></center> DancingBailando withcon [[Elend]] inen [[FadrexCiudad CityFadrex]]
Vin and Elend Dancing.jpeg | <small><center>byde {{a|Shuravf}}</center></small> DancingBailando withcon [[Elend]]
Vin and Elend by Egilde Art.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Egilde Art}}</center></small>DancingBailando withcon [[Elend]]
Hero of Ages by GisAlmeida.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|GisAlmeida}}</small></center> ''HeroEl ofHéroe Agesde las Eras'', variousvarias scenesescenas
Pushing and Pulling by Kelly Mai.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Kelly Mai}}</center></small> FlyingVolando abovesobre [[Kredik Shaw]]
Storms that Shatter by Alec Acevedo.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Alec Acevedo}}</small></center>''Storms that Shatter''
Vin & Mists.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|Gar_leyva}}</center></small> Ascending to Preservation
Ascendant Warrior by esamitch.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|esamitch}}</small></center> Ascended
The Last Stand by ephermeres.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|ephermeres}}</small></center> At the [[Battle of Hathsin]]
Mistborn by Hunter Bonyun.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Hunter Bonyun}}</small></center>Fueling [[Elend]]'s Allomancy as [[Preservation]]
Vin and Elend by Javier Corpas.png| <small><center>byde {{a|Javier Corpas}}</center></small>Fueling [[Elend]]'s Allomancy as [[Preservation]]
In the flower field- Vinlend watermark.png | <center><small>byde {{a|Jewishicequeen}}</small></center> "They were holding hands as lay amid the flowers."
Elend and Vin by Korina Hunjak.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Korina Hunjak}}</small></center> With [[Elend]] after the [[Battle of Hathsin]]
Till the Very End by Kyra Lythgoe.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Kyra Lythgoe}}</center></small>Dead with [[Elend]]
A Beautiful End by ephermeres.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|ephermeres}}</small></center> Dead with [[Elend]]
Kelsier and Vin by Nat Rodgers.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Nat Rodgers}}</center></small>With [[Kelsier]] after death
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