Diferencia entre revisiones de «Nu Ralik»

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'''Nu Ralik''' was a deity worshiped by people of the [[Purelake]] on [[Roshar]].
'''Nu Ralik''' is the god worshipped by [[Purelakers]]. Purelakers pretend that they do not worship him, speaking praises to Vun Makak, Nu Ralik's malicious younger brother, who may punish those who do not worship him. Worship to Nu Ralik is only safe to speak of in [[Holy grotto|holy grottoes]] where Vun Makak cannot hear.
{{quote|Foreigners were so stupid. Of course Nu Ralik was their god, but you always pretended that he wasn't. [[Vun Makak]] — his younger, spiteful brother — had to be tricked into thinking you worshiped him, otherwise he’d get jealous. It was only safe to speak of these things in a holy grotto.|[[Ishikk]] on the [[Purelaker]] religion.{{ref|b|sa1|i|1}}|}}
== Notes ==
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