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The '''Order of Bondsmiths''' is an order of the [[Knights Radiant]] on Roshar.{{epigraph ref|sa2|44}}
The Bondsmiths are [[Surgebinder]]s who use the [[Surge]]s of Tension and Adhesion{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}}, and they are associated with the heliodor [[polestone]]. Adhesion gives the power known to [[Szeth]] as a "[[Windrunners#Powers|full lashing]]."{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} They form a [[Nahel Bond]] with one of three unique [[spren]]: the [[Stormfather]], the [[Nightwatcher]],{{book ref|sa3|64}}{{book ref|sa3|111}} and the [[Sibling]].{{book ref|sa4|69}} The exact nature of the [[Nahel Bond]] that Bondsmiths share with their specific spren is unclear; it may or may not be similar to other orders of the Knights Radiant.
== Philosophy ==
While each order of Radiants contains a variety of personalities within it, those who join the Bondsmiths generally subscribe to a philosophy of peace and unity.{{wob ref|13781}} They seek unity at all levels, from unity the highprinces of a single kingdom in one purpose,{{book ref|sa1|69}} to uniting the kingdoms of the world in the face of the [[True Desolation]].{{book ref|sa3|1}} This philosophy is reflected in their Ideals, which are generally themed around unity.{{wob ref|13781}} Bringing people together is their highest calling and this is their most important duty as Radiants. Among the other orders, the Bondsmiths are generally the most respected and celebrated of Radiants. The role of the Bondsmiths serve as the heart and soul of the Radiants makes them some of the most respected and celebrated of the Knights, making their protection and safety a paramount concern. The Orderorder tends to attract the peacemakers of the world, those who want to bring people together rather than divide them.{{wob ref|13781}}
== Ideals of the Bondsmiths ==
=== The Third Ideal ===
The main focus of this oath is about becoming a better person over time.{{wob ref|13083}}
|I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.
|The Third Ideal of the Bondsmiths, as sworn by Dalinar Kholin.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
The main focus of this oath is about becoming a better person over time.{{wob ref|13083}}
== Abilities ==
=== Adhesion ===
; Full Lashing:
Using the Full Lashing, a Surgebinder can pool [[Stormlight]] into an area. All objects that subsequently touch this area will be bonded to the object, sticking them there and hindering their movement. The bond ends when the Stormlight runs out.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}}
; Spiritual Adhesion:
Using the Surge of Adhesion to manipulate spiritual, rather than purely physical forces, a Bondsmith can touch another person and forge a spiritual connection between them. This allows the Bondsmith to temporarily speak the native language of this other person.{{wob ref|9340}} Whether the Surgebinder must remain physically close to this other person for the ability to be continually used or if it can transfer any other skill or knowledge is unknown. The power bears a great similarity to other applications of [[Connection]] such as [[duralumin]] [[Feruchemy]] on Scadrial.
=== Other abilities ===
; Spren and Shardblades:
Each Bondsmith shares a [[Nahel bond]] with one of three unique spren: the [[Stormfather]], the [[Nightwatcher]]{{book ref|sa3|111}}, and an unnamedthe [[Sibling|third]] who slumbers.{{epigraph ref|wor|44}}{{book ref|wor|89}}{{book ref|sa3|111}} These spren are all sort of the same type,{{wob ref|13647}} but obviously have substantial differences between them as well. The sheer power of the various Bondsmith spren allows them to behave in ways that differ from the true spren bonded to other orders. The Bondsmith spren are more omnipresent and can be located great distances from their Radiants while still granting them powers and communicating, as they are much more widely Connected than other Radiant spren.{{wob ref|4268}} Bondsmiths typically do not have access to a [[Shardblade]],{{wob ref|3311}} although it is possible to force their bonded spren into a shape of power that allows them to activate Oathgates.{{book ref|sa3|100}} However, like typical Radiant spren, Bondsmith spren are still vulnerable if their bonded Radiant betrays their oaths.{{wob ref|6041}}
; Synergy with other Radiants:
