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I don't understand why these sentences were added or how they are relevant. If this hasn't been brought up by Brandon then it is not needed on this page.
(I don't understand why these sentences were added or how they are relevant. If this hasn't been brought up by Brandon then it is not needed on this page.)
The Surge of Adhesion can be manipulated to bind things together.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Bondsmiths and the Windrunners. The glyph for Adhesion has been compared to the glyph for Abrasion.
{{anchor|Full Lashing}}
=== Gravitation ===
The Surge of Gravitation can be manipulated to change the direction and strength of an object's gravitational attraction.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Windrunners and the Skybreakers. The glyph for Gravitation has been compared to the glyph for Transportation.
{{anchor|Basic Lashing}}
* '''Basic Lashing''': This ability alters an object's or being's spiritual gravitational bond to the planet below, instead temporarily linking it to a different object or direction. It allows the Surgebinder to run up walls, or send objects or people flying off into the air. Lashings only affects gravitational pull and not mass, so different things with different masses will still fall at the same speed.{{wob ref|5907}} Lashings can only send something in a particular direction and can not be locked into following an object.{{wob ref|3848}} Lashing can also affect liquids.{{wob ref|5140}} Surgebinders can rotate themselves in the air using wind resistance,{{wob ref|8250}} and can also lessen the force of the wind while flying.{{book ref|sa3|60}} Taking sharp turns while Lashing can cause the Surgebinder to black out.{{wob ref|10357}}{{book ref|sa3|116}} When Lashing multiple objects or beings at a time, it is possible to create a sort of channel around the group, which will keep them close together.{{book ref|sa3|60}} Basic Lashing requires skin contact if the Surgebinder is trying to infuse an external object or being.{{book ref|sa2|85}} Basic Lashing continually consumes the [[Stormlight]] with which the object is infused until the object runs out of Stormlight or the Surgebinder dismisses their Lashing; as such, the length of a Basic Lashing is dependent on the amount of Stormlight used.{{book ref|sa2|41}} Advanced users of Basic Lashing can employ partial Lashings — a half-Lashing upward, for example, would make the Surgebinder effectively weightless, while a quarter-Lashing would halve the person's weight.{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} It is also possible to use multiple Basic Lashings simultaneously so that the infused object or being will be pulled toward different directions at once or pulled toward a single direction but stronger than gravity normally would.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
The Surge of Abrasion can be manipulated to alter the frictional force between two surfaces.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Dustbringers and the Edgedancers. The glyph for Abrasion has been compared to the glyph for Adhesion.
{{anchor|Slicking}}<!-- let it stay Slicking until we know the correct name -->
=== Transportation ===
The Surge of Transportation can be manipulated to achieve realmatic transition.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Elsecallers and the Willshapers. The glyph for Transportation has been compared to the glyph for Gravitation.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
