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A '''Shardblade''' is a magical weapon, created by unknown means, presumably by the [[Almighty]], for use of the [[Knights Radiant]]. They are currently used by various factions and persons across [[Roshar]]. There are an estimated twenty Shardblades held by [[Alethkar]], another twenty for [[Jah Keved]], and maybe another forty spread out among the rest of [[Roshar]].
Shardblades are unbreakable, can cut through stone with ease, and cut through a creature's soul rather than its flesh; though once the creature is killed the flesh is cut instead of the soul which has been severed. They are summoned by their holder over the course of ten heartbeats. When the holder (or [[Shardbearer]]) is killed, the Shardblade remains corporeal and may be claimed by another; if the Blade is dropped or put down when the [[Shardbearer]] is still alive, the Shardblade will vanish unless the bearer wills it to remain.
When a Shardblade is summoned, (which includes a proses of waiting ten hart beats, which the [[Shardbearer]] can hear no matter how loud his surroundings) it is formed from mist, and is wet from dew. They are usually much longer than than an average blade, with a notable exception being [[Szeth]]'s Shardblade. They are however extremely light for their size.
Possibly related to the [[Dawnblade]]s held by the ten [[Heralds]].
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