Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cámara de Razon»

92 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
m (Think I got everything, moving to complete)
Etiqueta: status-change
== Appearance and Function ==
Razon's original camera appeared to be an ordinary [[wikipedia:medium format|medium format]] camera.{{book ref|legion|7}} Stephen's recreation was a big, old-school camera, the kind used by news photographers decades ago, so presumably similar.{{book ref|legion3|2}}{{clarify|If you know whether those are in fact the same thing, please edit accordingly - extremepayne, July 2020}}
It was more user-friendly than one of those, however.{{book ref|legion3|5}} Stephen's version includes a simple dial to control the "time focus".{{book ref|legion3|2}} Both versions could be attached to a tripod.{{book ref|legion|6}}{{book ref|legion3|5}}
The camera uses a special kind of flash bulb which allows it to do take images of scenes as they were in the past. This bulb burns out after a very limited number of uses.{{book ref|legion|8}} The light from the flash is referred to by [[Arnaud]] as penetrating time,{{book ref|legion3|2}} but little else is known of how exactly it functions. It will take a picture into the past as if the camera was in the place it is in now,{{book ref|legion|4}} and it will always illuminate the area with its flash, sometimes resulting in poorly composed photos.{{book ref|legion|3}} It produces photos on film in medium format, which must then be developed.{{book ref|legion|6}} The version that Stephen re-creates has been modified to use instant film.{{book ref|legion3|2}}
