Diferencia entre revisiones de «Consejo de los Cinco»

organized and reworded
m (Parshendi --> Listeners)
m (organized and reworded)
The '''Council of Five''' are the ruling members of the [[Listeners]] in [[Narak]] on [[Roshar]].
== History ==
The composition of the Five has changed over time as more [[Singer#Common forms|forms]] are discovered. At first, the Five arewere all in [[dullform]], and later, after the discovery of [[workform]], the members of the council were all in workform. When [[nimbleform]] iswas discovered, the Council changeschanged to being made up of one member of each form. The Council hashad pondered whether to add another representative for each newly discovered form, but the discovery of [[stormform]] and the subsequent [[Battle of Narak]] meanmeant that there iswas never an opportunity to do so.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
== Composition ==
