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== Culture ==
The Southern Scadrians have a tradition of wearing masks, with each of the five peoples of the continent{{book ref|mb6|21}} having its own mask-wearing rules and customs.{{book ref|mb6|22}} There is also a group called the [[Deniers of Masks]] that the other Southern Scadrians oppose, but nothing is known about them other than the fact that they are very dangerous.{{book ref|mb6|21}}
The Sovereign had priests accompanying him who did not belong to any of the current Southern peoples living.{{book ref|mb6|24}} Not much is known about them.
OneThe theorySouthern isScadrians thatmay the southern peoples arebe the men of "red and gold" that [[Miles Dagouter]] refers to shortly before his death.
=== Nations ===
==== The Hunters ====
The people known as the '''Hunters''' receive one mask at birth, which is replaced by a second mask upon reaching adulthood.{{book ref|mb6|22}} This second mask eventually grows into the skin. The Hunters were warriors before the Ice Death, but now they search for the cause of the cataclysm that ruined their society. They took an airship to find the Bands of Mourning, intending to destroy them.{{book ref|mb6|22}}
[[Iyatil]], a Silverlight born woman with Southern Scadrian ancestry,{{wob ref|4879}} wears a mask reminiscent of those worn by the Hunters nation.
==== The Fallen ====
== Theories ==
One theory is that the southern peoples are the men of "red and gold" that [[Miles Dagouter]] refers to shortly before his death.
It is not known exactly what the "Unknown Metals" of the Southerners are. These may be the 32 alloys of [[atium]] and [[lerasium]] theorised about in the Ars Arcanum of [[The Alloy of Law]], although this is unlikely, as they have never been shown to have any access to either [[atium]] or [[lerasium]]. They may be the [[Trellium|unidentified silver and red metal]] used by Paalm to create her hemalurgic spikes. It may also be [[ettmetal]].
[[Iyatil]] is a mask-wearing woman living on the planet [[Roshar]]. She wears a red and orange carapace mask, which seems to have grown into her skin. This is similar to a description of the Hunters given by Allik Neverfar. Though she is confirmed to have Southern Scadrian heritage{{wob ref|4879}}, it is unknown which Southern nation her ancestors belonged to or where she was born.
== Trivia ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
