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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Evi Kholin''' was [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s late wife. She was tall, blonde, and has a small chest.{{book ref |sa3|19}}
| Enjoy the moment. Close your eyes and contemplate what the One has given you. Seek the peace of oblivion, and bask in the joy of your own sensation.
| Evi{{book ref|sa3|36}}
'''Evi Kholin''' was [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s late wife., Sheand wasthe tall,mother blonde,of [[Adolin]] and has a small chest[[Renarin]].{{book ref |sa3|1916}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
| Must everything be fighting to you?
| Evi{{book ref|sa3|36}}
Evi was an exceptionally tall woman, almost as tall as an Alethi. She was willowy and somewhat frail, with a small chest.{{book ref|sa3|19}} Her hair were pale blonde, though not true [[Iri]]ali gold, and she had matching [[lighteyes|light]] yellow eyes.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Evi was a calm woman, often shying away from conflict. She was dedicated to pacifism, and often strove to convince her husband to behave more peacefully and reject the warlike ways of his kinsmen.{{book ref|sa3|26}} She enjoyed the moments of peace between the two of them, and could be truly happy during that time.{{book ref|sa3|36}} Though peaceful, Evi was dedicated to her convictions. Even shortly before the end of her life, she was still dedicated to convincing Dalinar that violence doesn't always need to be the answer.{{book ref|sa3|71}}
Evi's time among the Alethi left her largely jaded and critical. The contest of wittiness betwen the women made her feel stupid; she critiqued the Alethi's supposed piety, noting that they were only ever devout when it suited their desire to wage war. After her death, Navani would claim that everyone loved her, but Evi's own experiences run contrary to that.{{book ref|sa1|64}}{{book ref|sa3|66}}
Although she and Dalinar were poorly matched, she nonetheless strove to make their relationship work. She tried to assimilate into the Vorin culture, with mixed results, and endured anything life could throw at her, but did not let her own culture vanish wholly. She also refused to let her frustration with Dalinar's darker nature show to her children, having told them that Dalinar was an excellent man and officer.{{book ref|sa3|94}} Eventually, she seems to have come to truly care for him, although she was keenly aware that he did not reciprocate her feelings to the same extent.{{book ref|sa3|75}} Adolin likely got his emotional sensibility and proclivity to display his feelings from her.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
She was a devout follower of [[Iri]] religion, the worship of the One. Though she absorbed many Vorin customs upon her marriage, including the worship of the [[Herald]]s, she continued to treat the One as the highest deity.{{book ref|sa3|26}} She also respected the [[Nightwatcher]] as an aspect of the One, considering it the entity that one should visit when they need to petition the One.{{book ref|sa3|36}}
<gallery caption="Images of Evi">
Evi by Yaya93Art.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Yaya93Art{{a|Yaya93Art]]horizonproblems}}</small></center>
Dalinar young.jpg | Dalinar and Evi <center><small>by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> Dalinar and Evi
Evi by Yaya93Art.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Yaya93Art}}</small></center>
== History ==
Evi and her brother, Toh, pursued an alliance with the Alethi, offering a set of Shardplate in exchange for Alethi protection from their own people. It was Sadeas who suggested that Dalinar marry for the benefits of an alliance or Shards. Dalinar agreed to marry Evi, knowing that Navani was now beyond his reach because she'd chosen to marry his brother. This resulted in the marriage between Dalinar and Evi and the acquisition of her Shardplate. Although she tried to fit in with Alethi society, Evi never found friends in Alethkar. It did not help that her husband was cold and aloof. She was a pacifist and often pleaded with Dalinar to not fight, however he usually ignored her. Her only joys were their children [[Adolin]] and [[Renarin]], who she had a large hand in raising, due to Dalinar's frequent absence.
=== Early life and marriage ===
During his assault on [[Rathalas]], Dalinar inadvertently set her prison on fire, thus killing her.{{book ref|sa3|76}} Unbeknownst to Dalinar, she had come to the city to plead with the rebels therein to surrender.
Evi was born in [[Rira]] sometime around the year {{Rosharan date|1124}}.{{book ref|sa3|19}} She grew up there with her brother, [[Toh]]. At some point, possibly at birth, she was bestowed with a [[Shardplate]], albeit she didn't use it herself.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
When she was around nineteen years old, Evi and Toh fled Rira to Alethkar, and pursued an alliance with them, offering a set of Shardplate in exchange for Alethi protection from their own people. It was Sadeas who suggested that Dalinar; Dalinar agreed, knowing that Navani was now beyond his reach.{{book ref|sa3|19}} The two were betrothed soon thereafter, but married only three years later, as Evi's culture required prolonged courtship. However, she accompanied him to his military campaigns throughout her betrothal. Even back then, she would often plead with Dalinar to be more peaceful.{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{book ref|sa3|26}}
Sadeas and Dalinar were publicly censured by the king for the loss of the city. Sadeas would later be responsible for spinning a story about what had happened. There is some contradiction between this and what Adolin had heard: that Sadeas himself burned the city in retribution for the death of Evi.
=== RelationshipsSons ===
By the year {{Rosharan date|1150}}, she and Dalinar were no longer at war, but rather at their home in Kholin lands. It was in 1150 that she gave birth to her first son, [[Adolin]].{{book ref|sa3|49}} Shortly thereafter, Dalinar would depart for the border wars with [[Herdaz]] and [[Jah Keved]], leaving Evi to raise the boy on her own for the next five years. He would return to her several times; it was after one of those visits that she gave birth to another child. As Dalinar didn't answer her letters asking for a name, she eventually called the boy [[Renarin]], composing his name in an attempt to mimic Alethi patterns. Her intent was for the name to mean "Re, born unto Nar" (as in, Dalinar), although it came out as "one who is born unto himself".{{book ref|sa3|52}}
Until the events of [[Oathbringer]], Dalinar cannot hear or remember her name. He has no memories of her, but knows he was married to her for years before her death. When her name is mentioned, Dalinar hears a rushing of wind instead of her name. Searching for some recollection of her, Dalinar asks [[Navani Kholin]] about her, who says that she was a nice woman, but didn't match Dalinar in intellect.{{book ref|twok|64}}
=== War and death ===
She has been erased from Dalinar's memory so thoroughly that sometimes he has trouble even remembering that he had ever been married in the first place.{{book ref|sa1|51}} Dalinar is able to remember memories which include her but will see a blank spot where she should be in the memory, even if all other details are incredibly crisp. Dalinar thinks of these as strange gaps and foggy areas of his mind.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
| No one actually cares about religion here. Oh, they make sure to point out how superior their beliefs are to mine. But who actually ever worries about the Heralds, other than to swear by their names? You bring ardents to battle merely to Soulcast rocks into grain. That way, you don't have to stop '''killing''' each other long enough to find something to eat.
| Evi's frustration with the Alethi{{book ref|sa3|66}}
When Adolin was five years old, Evi decided to join Dalinar on his campaigns. This was motivated by several factors, chief among them the fact that all other Alethi wives joined their husbands on the campaign trail, and that Dalinar spent too little time with his children. Although he tried to convince her that the battlefield was no place for her, she insisted on staying.{{book ref|sa3|52}} From then on out, she would spend half of every year with Dalinar -- and, later, Adolin -- in his war camps, and the other half in [[Kholinar]] with Renarin, who was too sickly to take on the road. Her Riran accent began to fade at the time, though she would sometimes switch back to her native language.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
When looking at her son Adolin, [[Kaladin]] thinks to himself that his mother was likely from [[Rira (country)|Rira]] due to the large amount of blonde in his hair.{{book ref|sa2|16}}
Although outwardly, it appeared that she and Dalinar were a loving couple, by 1163 the two of them were more at odds than ever. Evi wanted the killing to end, and for them to return to Alethkar and rest; Dalinar sought to continue making war. This culminated in a major fight between them, which ended with Evi breaking into tears. In an attempt to console her, Dalinar promised that after quelling the new rebellion in [[Rathalas]], the family would go home.{{book ref|sa3|66}} Moreover, to respect her wishes to be more peaceful, he initially tried bargaining with [[Tanalan]].{{book ref|sa3|71}}
Adolin inherited his Plate from his mother's side of the family.{{book ref|sa2|14}} [[Shallan]] says that Adolin's mother is responsible for there being sketches of Adolin's Plate in the royal record.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
Unfortunately, this was not to be. Tanalan betrayed Dalinar, burying him under a pile of rubble. When Dalinar returned, Evi was already beginning to mourn him, and grew even more distressed when he began his plan to take revenge, leading to him ordering his men to escort her out of the command tent and somewhere safe.{{book ref|sa3|75}} Unbeknowst to him, she snuck out and came to the city to plead with Tanalan for peace. The young highprince arrested her in his former safehouse, now turned city prison. When Dalinar set flame to the Rift, Evi died in the flames, with Dalinar finding out far too late to even attempt saving her.{{book ref|sa3|76}}
<gallery caption="Images of Evi">
Evi.jpg | Portrait by [[Coppermind: Artists/horizonproblems|horizonproblems]]
=== Legacy ===
Dalinar young.jpg | Dalinar and Evi by [[User: Sheep]]
Evi's body was recovered from the rubble, to be given a proper burial. Dalinar created a story to mitigate her act of sneaking out, claiming that she was kidnapped by Tanalan's men and that the Rift was burned in retribution for this.{{book ref|sa3|76}} The story would later change, with [[Sadeas]], who was fighting alongside Dalinar at the time, taking the blame for burning the city.{{book ref|sa3|96}} Both Dalinar and Sadeas were publicly censured by king [[Gavilar]] for the loss of Rathalas.{{book ref|sa3|88}}
Evi by Yaya93Art.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Yaya93Art|Yaya93Art]]</small></center>
Dalinar would later begin to hear voices of all those he's killed, with Evi loudest among them. This drove him to drink heavily, slowly fading.{{book ref|sa3|88}} Eventually, he visited the [[Nightwatcher]], following Evi's stories of her, and asked her for forgiveness for his part in Evi's death. Instead, [[Cultivation]] took away all his memories of his wife.{{book ref|sa3|114}}
{{sidequote|I forgive you.|Possibly Evi{{book ref|sa3|119}}|side=right|size=200px}}
From then on out, Dalinar remembers nothing of Evi, even her name -- whenever someone else says it, he hears only the rushing of the wind, and sometimes he has troubles remembering that he had ever been married in the first place.{{book ref|sa3|18}}{{book ref|sa1|51}} Those memories begin to return shortly after the beginning of the [[True Desolation]].{{book ref|sa3|16}} Eventually, Dalinar remembers Rathalas as well, leading him back into alcoholism as Evi's voice returns to haunt him.{{book ref|sa3|100}} [[Odium]] tries to use this to tempt him into becoming his champion, although Dalinar fails to give in. At this point, he hears a voice that might belong to Evi, telling him that she forgives him. This is the final push he needs to open [[Honor's Perpendicularity]].{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Adolin, in contrast, has warm memories of his mother. He gets his "western sensibilities", including his penchant for snuggling and more emotional intelligence, from her.{{book ref|sa3|122}} He also keeps a memento of her, her chain, which he considers to be his lucky charm, always making sure to keep it in his pocket for an important duel.{{book ref|sa3|14}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Evi was a fluent speaker of Alethi language, although she had a habit of literally translating her native idioms into Alethi, which sometimes led to them losing their context.{{book ref|sa3|36}} She's implied to have been left-handed, although she re-trained herself to use her right upon marrying [[Dalinar]].{{book ref|sa3|19}} She had some measure of artistic skill, having created the sketches of [[Adolin]]'s [[Shardplate]] for the royal record.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
Adolin's Shardplate was originally hers; it was the reason why Dalinar married her in the first place.{{book ref|sa3|26}} The queen of [[Iri]] claims that the set belongs to her, although her claim seems week, as she and Evi aren't related.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
