Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jonathan Phaedrus»

(Undo revision 95622 by (talk))
== Abilities ==
; Transference: As a "[[gifter]]", Prof can loan his Epic abilities to non-Epics, often the members of the Reckoners. He disguises his giftings by attributing the effects to various devices. By gifting his abilities to others, he also lessens the psychological effects of being an Epic.
; Matter Disruption: Disguised by the '''Tensors'''. Prof can turn inorganic matter to dust. This dust seems to have less volume and weight than the original substance. He can also carve improvised weapons such as swords using this ability. Because the ability is controlled by the mind, each person has a different mental trick for activating this ability.
; Forcefields: Disguised by the '''Jackets'''. Prof can use his forcefields for many purposes, such as blocking incoming projectiles, creating a disc to fly on, traveling quickly and safely along the ocean floor, trapping or crushing people in bubbles, creating a walkway or bridge, attacking with spears of light, or simply illuminating an area. When he used this ability to its fullest extent, he was able to contain an explosion powerful enough to destroy a city. He usually gifts a much weaker version of this ability to the Reckoners, providing them with full-body shields that offer limited protection against falls, bullets, and other dangers. The forcefields give off a greenish color, which is related to the name 'Limelight'.
