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All people on Scadrial have seeds of the Metallic Arts within them. However, for most of the history of Scadrial, only Feruchemy was known, and that had always been isolated to the [[Terris]] people. Allomancy existed but was very uncommon. It only came about through a mechanism constructed by Preservation, which [[Snap|Snapped]] people who had Allomantic power too deep-seated to come out naturally. Hemalurgy was even more rare, as it required extensive knowledge not easily obtained.
Then, the [[Lord Ruler]] reached the [[Well of Ascension]]. He rebuilt himself into an extremely powerful mistbornMistborn using its power .{{qawob ref|1034|12| He did not use the bead|date=Sep 24th, 20139889}}. He then took nine beads of [[lerasium]] from there, giving them to kings he wished to bribe to his side.{{epigraph ref|mb3|9}} This brought about the first Mistborn. The concentrated Preservation inside the lerasium was so potent, that Allomantic ability was passed down for over a millennia. Eventually, the power got diluted and Mistings began to form, and Mistborn became more uncommon. During his [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler|Ascension]], the Lord Ruler also gained an understanding of Hemalurgy, and understood how to create [[Inquisitor]]s, [[koloss]], and [[kandra]].
Later, after the [[Final Ascension]] by [[Harmony]], Mistborn became unheard of as Allomancy's power continued to degrade. The Terris people also interbred with the survivors of the [[Final Empire]], which combined with the slaughter of all living Feruchemists at the time left Feruchemy also diluted, and so Ferrings began to appear.
=== The God Metals ===
The '''God metals''' are metals formed directly from a [[Shard]]. Previously only the God Metals of [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] were known, however new God Metals can be made from any Shard.{{urlwob ref |url=http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1181#312530}} |text=IfThey ancan allomancerbe worldhopperalloyed reallywith wantedthe lesser metals to hackform thesixteen magicdifferent systemmetals couldeach, theythough makeonly godone metalsis known. It seems of some importance that fromin the otherWax shards?and |site=theoryland.comWayne |series date=12/3/2016}}it says that atium is no longer 'commonly' available
They can be alloyed with the lesser metals to form sixteen different metals each, though only one is known. It seems of some importance that in the Wax and Wayne series it says that atium is no longer 'commonly' available
{| width=100% class=infobox
! width=30% | [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic ability]]
{{/row|Atium | See into other people's futures | Stores age |Steals any power or attribute and does so better than any other spike{{qawob ref|428|82|Why does Atium steal temporal powers?|date=Jul, 20095971}}}}
{{/row|Lerasium |a={{ref|group=fn|text=Lerasium may also have another allomantic property which is currently unknown}}|Causes the burner to become a Mistborn/Increases allomantic power| Unknown | Steals all abilities}}
! width=30% | [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic ability]]
{{/row|Malatium |a={{ref|group=fn|text=An alloy of Atium and gold, the [[Eleventh Metal]]}}| See into other people's pasts|Unknown; Sazed tried it offscreen but "didn't get very far"{{urlwob ref|url=http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/2ytg2h/im_novelist_brandon_sanderson_ama/cscqee7?context=3|text= if Sazed had a chance to experiment with the little bar of 'malatium' Kelsier found|site=reddit.com3489}} | Unknown}}
=== Harmonium ===
After contact with the [[Southern Scadrian]]s, a new metal is revealed. Called "[[Ettmetal]]" in their native tongue, the Southern Peoples use it to power their technology. Harmonium burns "with a pure whiteness"{{book ref|mb6|22}} when used in Southern Scadrian machinery, and explodes when it is exposed to water (similar to the [[Wikipedia: Alkali metal|alkali metals]]) making it dangerous if not impossible to ingest for allomantic purposes. Unlike alkali metal reactions, this reaction does not yield a "Harmonium oxide," but it will yield "Something else relevant to the Cosmere." Harmonium's atomic structure is that of a single element, rather than a compound or alloy. {{urlwob ref|url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o_-OadmbojDGZqFWls2meynCw4qLBWP-syEeSSgSRQ0/edit|text=So harmonium, we have a working theory that the reason it's so volatile...|site=Google Docs|date=Feb 19, 20171663}}
=== Trellium ===
[[Trellium]] is the uncanonical name for the unknown metal seen in [[Shadows of Self]]. It is a silvery metal with a red cast to it, and dark red spots similar to rust. Its Allomantic and Feruchemic properties are unknown. It can be used Hemalurgically to steal some, if not all, Allomantic and/or Feruchemic abilities and grant them to Kandra. It can also be used on humans to create hemalurgic constructs. Kandra and Hemalurgic constructs with a single spike of Trellium will be hidden from Harmony.
