Diferencia entre revisiones de «Waxillium Ladrian»

→‎The Bands of Mourning: Typos make Wayne cry.
m (→‎The Bands of Mourning: Typos make Wayne cry.)
Leaving Steris in Marasi’s care, Wax fought his way through the train, eventually squaring off against, a huge Metalborn brute, whose large bulk turned out to be a great target for Ranette’s latest gift to Wax’s arsenal, an Allomantically-triggered hook device which proved particularly well suited to throwing people from a train.{{book ref|mb6|8}}
After securing the train and allowing a doctor to tend to his wounds at [[Ironstand]] station, Wax began to worry that the still missing Wayne might have been seriously hurt or incapacitated in the battle. Wax’s concern soon melted to annoyance when his long search of the train finally turned up both Wayne and MeLaan who were holed up in a private compartment, fresh from a tussle of their own.{{book ref|mb6|9}}
Eventually arriving in New Seran, Wax and Steris agreed that the best way to begin their investigation was to attend a ball at the home of Lady [[Kelesina Shores]], where they would be sure to scrape as much information as possible from the city’s upper crust. As they approached the mansion, Wax gave a bank note to awella well spoken [[Hoid|beggar]]{{book ref|mb6|11}}, who insisted he take in exchange a strange coin, made fromof two different metals, branded with the face of a man spiked through one eye, and covered in symbols that Wax could not read.{{book ref|mb6|12}}
Wax then heads to the ballroom but is relieved of his firearms at the entrance of the ballroom, inside the ballroom Wax meets Khriss after having a conversation with lord Grave Entrone. Khriss questions Wax extensively about his feruchamical and allomantic abilities before going off to pursue another topic of questioning. Wax then meets with an informant who tells him about a building project to the north east of New Seran and gives Wax an ominous warning. Wax then returns to Steris but is stopped by Kelesina, Wax deciddes to inform Kelesina about what he knows, visibly concerning her and she excuses herself. Returning to Steris Wax informs her of what happened and Steris creates a diversion so they can go to a more isolated place in the mansion.{{book ref|mb6|13}} Acquiring a gun that Steris had snuck into the dance, Wax goes off to investigate Kelesina's activities and overhears her talking to his uncle.{{book ref|mb6|14}}{{book ref|mb6|15}}
