Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reino Físico»

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The [[Starbelt]] is an unusually bright patch of stars in the sky of [[Threnody]].{{book ref|sfs}} It is useful for navigation in the [[Forests of Hell]] during the night; the light usually filtered through the trees fairly well.
The Starbelt is the same patch of unusually bright stars that is visible from [[Scadrial]].{{qawob ref|727|606089}} It is visible from other worlds in the Cosmere as well.{{wob ref|name=visible3363}}
=== Taln's Scar ===
{{qa ref|460|11|Yes—one is The Silence Divine, a world like ours where you gain magic by diseases|date=2009-11-07}}
{{qa ref|727|60|There is a very bright star patch|date=17 October 2008}}
{{qa ref|977|172|Does the Physical Realm of the Cosmere have more or less the same structure as our own?|date=2012-09}}
{{qa ref|977|198|Where did humanity originate?|date=2012-09}}
{{qa ref|1088|37|This is a world that does not currently have a shard.|date=Mar 22nd, 2014}}
{{qa ref|1116|9|Did Ashyn ever have a shard?|date=Mar 12th, 2015}}
{{reddit ref|name=visible|books|2ytg2h|cpct5rf|date=12 March 2015|text=Starbelt is visible from other worlds as well}}
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