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320 bytes añadidos ,  hace 7 años
(Replaced Southern Scadrian)
=== Ettmetal ===
After contact with the [[Southern Scadrian]]s a new metal is revealed. Called "[[Ettmetal]]" in their native tongue, the Southern Peoples use it to power their technology. Little is known of "ettmetal" other than it can power machines, explodes when it is exposed to water (much like the [[Wikipedia: Alkali metal|alkali metals]]), and that it burns "with a pure whiteness".{{book ref|mb6|22}}
Every shard can combine with the regular 16 metals to form 16 new alomantic alloys (as can every shard combination because harmony and harmonium) then there are a total 1,048,576 possible alomantic metals and powers if all sixteen shards and their combinations are used. This includes the known god metals.
== Notes ==
