Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:WeiryWriter/Rose Empire»

sin resumen de edición
{{quote|The [Imperial Seat] has a thriving clandestine smuggling trace...|Day 17}}
{{quote|The empire was not a terrible thing. Neither was it a wonderful thing. The empire simply '''was'''. The people suffered its rule because they were comfortable with its little tyrannies. Corruption was inevitable. You lived with it. It was either that or accept the chaos of the unknown.<br><!--
-->Grands were treated with extreme favoritism. Entering government service, the most lucrative and prestigious of occupations, was often more about bribes and connections than it was about skill or aptitude. In addition, some of those who best served the empire&mdash;merchants and laborers&mdash;were systematically robbed by a hundred hands in their pockets.|Day 42}}
{{quote|The mountains of the Strikers bordered Dzhamar, where the swamps of the Bloodsealers were located. Their hatred of one another ran deep, perhaps deeper than their loyalty to the empire.|Day 42}}
{{quote|Grands told stories of dark witchcraft, of Forgers placing seals on a person's feet while they slept, changing their personalities. Invading them, raping their minds.|Day 42}}
{{quote|Life in the palace, life as part of an empire that clicked along like a clock. Everything worked. Oh it didn't work as well as it might. But it '''did''' work.<br><!--
-->...it didn't require laziness to be swept up in the working of imperial bureacracy&mdash;to tell yourself that next month you'd go and demand that your changes be made. Over time, it had become easier and easier to flaot along the course of the great river that was the Rose Empire.<br><!--
-->... He'd focused more on the beauty of his palace than on the lives of his subjects. He had allowed the arbiters to handle more and more government functions.|Day 59}}
{{quote|...mother of light... Mother of lights...|Day 70}}
{{quote|'I don't think most Grands would take the time to study soulstamps. They would eschew what they considered evil without ever trying to understand it. You've changed your mind?'<br><!--
-->'No,' Gaotona said. 'I still think that what you do is, if not evil, then certainly unholy.'|Day 70}}
{{quote|You are of the Heritage Faction. You surround yourself with relics that aren't truly relics, paintings that are imitations of ones long lost.|Day 70}}
{{quote|One of the Strikers guarded Atsuko of Jindo during his visit to the Rose Palace... Atsuko caught a sickness, and was stuck in his bedroom for three weeks.|Day 76}}
{{quote|'The Jindoeese and my people are '''not''' the same... We may have been related long ago, but we are completely different from them now.' Grands. Just because people had similar features, Grands assumed they were practically identical.|Day 76}}
{{quote|Palace Strikers were all literate. It was required of any imperial civil servant of at least the second reed.|Day 97}}
{{quote|...in the Southern Provinces.|Day 97}}
{{quote|The poor Strikers would probably find themselves assigned to some remote outpost of the empire for the rest of their lives, guarding the passes leading down to the distant Teoish Peninsula or the like.|Day 98}}
{{quote|She almost bowled over a southern ambassador in red priest's armor.|Day 98}}
{{quote|...the assembled arbiters of the eighty factions...|Day 101}}
{{quote|...a servant of Frava's Symbol...|Day 101}}
{{quote|The [Imperial Seat] rolled across a group of seven large hills; a major faction house topped each of the outer six, with the palace dominating the central hill.|Day 101}}
{{quote|...a single Reo rune...|Day 101}}
{{quote|...the nearby [to the Imperial Seat] Sogdian Forest...|Day 101}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers
