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[[en: Zu (Sel)]]
|image=TES - Zu.jpg
|books=[[The Emperor's Soul]]
|introduced=[[El alma del emperador]]
'''Zu''' ises aun [[Strikerariete]] from [[Mullamulla'dil]] in thedel [[RoseImperio EmpireRosa]] onde [[Sel]]. He is theEs captainel ofcapitán thede guardla inguardia thedel [[Rosepalacio PalaceRosa]].{{tes ref|2}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
Zu ises aun young,hombre tallalto many withjoven acon leanuna musculaturemusculatura andesbelta paley skinpiel pálida. HeTiene hasel darkpelo hairoscuro whichy he keeps styledcuidado, indicating thatlo heque doesindica notque usuallyno wearsuele allevar helmetcasco.{{tes ref|2}} HeTiene haslos widelabios lipsgruesos.{{tes ref|98}}
HeZu ises anun ambitioushombre manambicioso whoque fanciesse himselfconsidera bounddestinado fora importantcosas thingsimportantes inen theel futurefuturo.{{tes ref|2}} HeEs issimple simplemindedde butmente, verypero usefulmuy whenútil thecuando arbiterslos needárbitros someonenecesitan killedasesinar a alguien.{{tes ref|17}} HeNo se siente iscómodo uncomfortablecon withla [[Forgeryfalsificación]].{{tes ref|12}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
Zu ises oneuno ofde thelos guardsguardias ordereda tolos bringque se le ordena llevar a [[Wan ShaiLu]] beforeante thelos fivecinco [[arbiterárbitro]]s ofde thela [[HeritageFacción Factionde la Herencia]] aftertras sheser is capturedcapturada.{{tes ref|2}} HeMuestra showsun agran greatdesprecio dislikepor for Shaiella, promisingprometiendo thatque he'llla eventuallymatará killen herun futuro.{{tes ref|2}} becauseSe hesiente feelsinseguro insecurepor aboutsu hisfracaso failureal tono apprehendpoder herarrestarla whencuando sheroba stealsen fromel thePalacio Rose PalaceRosa.{{tes ref|58}} AfterDespués de que Shai learnsse thatentere Emperorde que el emperador [[Ashravan]] isestá comatoseen estado comatoso, Zuasignan isa assignedZu topara overseesupervisar thela securityseguridad ofde hersu roomhabitación. HeÉl ises theel onlyúnico Strikerariete whoque knowsconoce oflas lesiones de Ashravan's injuryy andel thetrato dealque thatlos theárbitros arbitershan strikehecho withcon Shai topara createcrear anuna [[EssenceMarca Markde Esencia]] that willque revivelo himreviva.{{tes ref|3}} HeEscolta personallypersonalmente guardsa thelos arbitersárbitros thatque comeacuden toa visitvisitar Shai'sla roomhabitación de Shai.{{tes ref|12}}{{tes ref|17}}
OnceUna Shaivez completesque heresta workcompleta onsu thetrabajo emperor'scon soulel alma del emperador, Zu comesentra intoen hersu roomhabitación, dismissesdespacha thea guardslos inside,guardias theny triesluego tointenta kill hermatarla.{{tes ref|98}} HeLogra managesherir to wounda Shai withcon hissu swordespada, butpero heluego thense fallscae throughal thesuelo floora duecausa tode auna traptrampa previouslypreviamente setcreada bypor Shai, injuringhiriéndose en hisla foreheadfrente andy fallingquedando unconsciousinconsciente.{{tes ref|98}} WhenCuando hese wakes updespierta, heacude goes toal [[WeedfingersDedos de Hierba|thesellador de Bloodsealersangre]] andcontratado theypor managelos toárbitros tracky Shailogran againrastrear usinga theShai bloodusando onla hissangre swordde su espada. ThisSin time, howeverembargo, Shai easilyvence fácilmente a Zu en combate usando su bestsMarca himde usingEsencia herde ''[[Shaizan]]'', Essencerompiéndole Mark.la Shemuñeca breaksy hisseis wristcostillas. and six of his ribs.Zu Hese isqueda amazedasombrado atpor hersu abilityhabilidad.{{tes ref|98}} SheDurante stealssu hishuida tall,de whitepalacio, [[Gurish]]{{tesShai ref|2}}le warhorseroba tosu escape;caballo itde isguerra, worthalto morey thanblanco, ade smallsangre house[[gurish]], inque somevale partsmás ofque theuna Rosepequeña Empirecasa en algunas partes del Imperio Rosa.{{tes ref|2}}{{tes ref|prologue}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 09:12, 12 Marchde marzo de 2019 (MST)}}
{{The Emperor's Soul}}
Editors, Keepers
