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[[en: Zu (Sel)]]
|image=TES - Zu.jpg
|books=[[TheEl Emperor'salma Souldel emperador]]
'''Zu''' is a [[Striker]] from [[Mulla'dil]] in the [[Rose Empire]] on [[Sel]]. He is the captain of the guard in the [[Rose Palace]].{{tes ref|2}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
Zu is a young, tall man with a lean musculature and pale skin. He has dark hair which he keeps styled, indicating that he does not usually wear a helmet.{{tes ref|2}} He has wide lips.{{tes ref|98}}
He is an ambitious man who fancies himself bound for important things in the future.{{tes ref|2}} He is simpleminded but very useful when the arbiters need someone killed.{{tes ref|17}} He is uncomfortable with [[Forgery]].{{tes ref|12}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
Zu was one of the guards ordered to bring [[Wan ShaiLu]] before the five [[arbiter]]s of the [[Heritage Faction]] after she was captured.{{tes ref|2}} He showed a great dislike for Shai, promising that he would eventually kill her;{{tes ref|2}} he felt insecure about his failure to apprehend her when she stole from the Rose Palace.{{tes ref|58}} After Shai learned that Emperor [[Ashravan]] was comatose, Zu was assigned to oversee the security of her room. He was the only Striker who knew of Ashravan's injury and the deal that the arbiters struck with Shai to create an [[Essence Mark]] that would revive him.{{tes ref|3}} He personally guarded the arbiters that came to visit Shai's room.{{tes ref|12}}{{tes ref|17}}
Once Shai completed her work on the emperor's soul, Zu came into her room, dismissed the guards inside, then tried to kill her.{{tes ref|98}} He managed to wound Shai with his sword, but he then fell through the floor due to a trap previously set by Shai, injuring his forehead and falling unconscious.{{tes ref|98}} When he woke up, he went to [[Weedfingers|the Bloodsealer]] employed by the arbiters and they managed to track Shai again using the blood on his sword. However, Shai easily bested Zu in combat using her ''[[Shaizan]]'' Essence Mark, breaking his wrist and six of his ribs. He was amazed at her ability.{{tes ref|98}} She stole his tall, white, [[Gurish]] warhorse during her escape from the palace; it was worth more than a small house in some parts of the Rose Empire.{{tes ref|2}}{{tes ref|prologue}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 09:12, 12 March 2019 (MST)}}
