Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sangre Espectral»

sin resumen de edición
m (Citations & minor rewriting.)
== Actions ==
===Attempted Murder of Jasnah===
The Ghostbloods planted at least [[New kid|one operative]] aboard the ship [[Wind's Pleasure]] on the journey from [[Kharbranth]] to the [[The Shattered Plains]]. That operative, along with other men [[Shallan]] did not recognize,{{book ref|sa2|7}} attempted to murder Jasnah. andThey thought they had'd succeeded.{{book, ref|sa2|34}}but Inin reality, Jasnah had escaped to [[Shadesmar]] by [[Surge#Transportation|Elsecalling]].{{book ref|sa2|34}}{{book ref|sa3|33}}
Jasnah assumes that she was targeted because of her radiantRadiant oaths.{{book ref|sa3|33}}
===Cleansing Urithiru ===
Editors, Keepers
